Our first full week in P7

Class blog by Julia and Ailsa



It was our first maths lesson in P7. We played tick, cross and dot and Mrs Allan’s bubble game which was very fun.  At the end of the day we participated in a stem challenge, we all went into groups and had to make newspaper shoes, which involved newspaper and sellotape. After we made them we had to walk the full distance of the playground without them breaking or falling off.



We all went down to the art room and began drawing objects from Mrs Hutchinson’s  house with so much detail.  some of us had flowers, a teddy, a travel kettle and a camera. Down in the art room we also learnt some musical terms and what they meant.  We  began a maths addition mental maths quiz.



We all read the first chapter of Cloud Busting called “Mr Mackie said” and we all wrote poems involving some similes that we had to include.  In P.E we went into the hall and learnt how to play games from  playleader cards, and presented them to the class, to show them all how to play.



In Social studies we looked through a John Muir powerpoint and went outside to think of ideas to develop the greenery amongst the school grounds. This year for our Explorer awards we should complete 50 hours! our residential will be part of this too.

Later on we all learnt Spanish greetings like “hola” ( hello) “buenos dias” (good morning) “buenas tardes” (good afternoon) “buenas noches” (good night)  “Gracias” (thankyou) and “por favor” (please).


We played Crows and Cranes on the MUGA and a jail-tastic game of Capture the flag.



We have started counting our Thank Yous in class today. Mrs Allan said thank you at least 50 times after break today! We played Killer 13 in English… next week we will try in Spanish. We revised our Spanish vocabulary and did a wordsearch and crossword. We also started to fill our wonderful work wall.