Literacy and English 

Varda – In Literacy, in Writing we were learning about direct speech, having a conversation with 2 or more characters. We used a speech sandwich to helps us. The bread was speech marks, the butter was capital letters, the meat was the sentence, the garnish was the punctuation. Then we had the bread again then the label which was who was speaking.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Ismail – In Maths, The Number Ninjas moved on to data handling on the chromebooks and we had to make graphs and tables.


Omar – We started our new topic all about climate change. Climate change is caused because of extra greenhouse gases.

Health and Wellbeing (PE) – Dance) 

Zunairah – In Dance, we were learning different traditional Scottish dances. We learned the Canadian Barn Dance, Military Two Step, The Gay Gordons and The Cheeseburger. My  favourite was The Cheeseburger and The Gay Gordons!


Gabby – In Science, we learned how things sink and float with Mr Allen. We learned about buoyancy and negative buoyancy and density. 2 people in each group had to pick an item to put in the water and see if it would float or sink. We had to make a hypothesis beforehand.


Olly – In RME, we were learning about where Jewish people worship called a synagogue. We were looking at different things in the Synagogue. We had to write about one of the 6 objects and you had to draw a picture of it. The 6 objects are the eternal light, the ark, the tora, the memorial board, the siddur and bimah.


Alfie B – In Art, we were drawing leaves and painting them different colours. We were focusing on mixing colours. We added white to make the paint lighter and black to make it darker.

Outdoor Learning

Callum – In Outdoor Learning, we went outside to see what we had in our playground which was good for the environment. We finished off drawing out what we want the woodland to look like.

Class News

Sophia – We were thinking about moving our tables in to two rows. We wanted a worry monster. We also want a jar with pom poms in it and we can get pom poms for good behaviour. When the jar is full we get a class reward. At the front of the desk we have an activity area which we can use when we finish our jobs – today was to draw a picture of us in our dream job.