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Our Final Blog of 6B

At the end of our last full week of P6 we thought we’d share some memories and achievements from P6B:

“This year we managed to achieve our John Muir Award, which took a lot of hard work in our woodland area.” Becki

“We’ve done lots of fun events with our buddies, like helping them settle into our school and showing them our work in the woodland.” Rosie

“During sports day we had lots of fun competing for points for our houses.” Isla

” My favourite memory from P6 was during maths when Mr Flood was across the room and pointed the pen at the board and the pen flew across the room and we all laughed. His face was so shocked it made us all laugh.” Charlotte

“I really enjoyed reading How I Saved the World in a week.” Cameron

“I really enjoyed playing capture the flag in P.E.” Kaitlyn

“I really enjoyed learning to become playzone leaders. We learnt how to help younger children play games, Tony from Active schools helped us.” Olivia

“Mr Flood was demonstrating in P.E, he threw a ball and said don’t take your eyes off it. But he looked away and it fell.” Emily

“We took our buddies on the colour run. There were different stations with different colours of chalk and they would spray us and throw powder at us.” Jenny

“In the woodland all of us decided to build a cafe called the woodland cafe. Rosie was the chef, Olivia was a critic, Emily was a manager, there were a few waiters. There was a stage and Alfie and Mac did comedy on the stage.” Ella

“For world book day we did lots of activities about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We made chocolate in class.” Aisha

“We were doing gymnastics in P.E we were all amazed when Mr Flood managed a forward roll and a tuck jump.” Ryan

“I’ve enjoyed playing football and learning to code on Scratch.” Zakir

“One time at the woodland and we had just learned about the Battle of Culloden we had a mini battle. We made clans and bases and made allies but people turned on each other.” Charlotte

Here’s some photos from the year:

Class blog- 17th June

“On Friday, we had our celebration assembly. We walked over to Eastwood as our hall isn’t big enough. We sung some songs, listened to some P7’s experiences at Crookfur and watched the awards ceremony.” Charlotte

“In Writing we were writing one page creative stories. They could be about anything we liked, but they couldn’t be longer than one page. It was very difficult to fit a whole story in that space.” Rosie

“We’ve learnt lots about puberty and growing up this week.” Becki

“We learnt about Cubism is art with Mrs Lamont. We drew a simple picture and then we drew lots of lines to make different shapes and then we coloured it in different colours.” Amina

“In Maths, we were drawing angles using a protractor. We someone drew an angle and then you had to figure out what angles it was.” Kaitlyn

Class blog- 1st June

“In Writing, we were writing acrostic poems. Since it was the Jubilee we were writing about the Queen. We watched a video to get some ideas about the Queen and then we had 2 minutes to think of any words about the Jubilee we could use in our writing. Then we got on to our writing, we wrote one of these acrostic poems- The Queen, The Queen’s Jubilee or The Platinum Jubilee. At the end we listened to some of our classmates poems.” Charlotte

“We did some computer coding. We were using a website called Scratch, we created a game where you had to jump obstacles. In the game you chose a character and an obstacle from the Scratch library. We programmed the space bar to make us jump.” Ryan

“We learnt to find finishing times. We had to work out what times different films finished. We used a number line to help.” Zakir

“We did a colour run. Everyone got paint powder thrown at them and water balloons. We ran round the school with our P1 buddies. It was great fun.” Aisha and Ava

“The whole school went to the assembly hall to watch the finals of Crookfur’s Got Talent. Then we had to vote for which one we wanted to win.” Myra

“In Maths, we were planning a dream trip to London. We picked accommodation, train rides and places we wanted to eat. We used train timetables, to know when the train would leave and arrive, and we used the internet to plan other things.” Habiba

“In P.E we did jumping a throwing. We used shot puts and discusses and we practised long jump and triple jump.” Edward

“In the Woodland we made a bug hotel. To make it we stacked pallets, and put paper cups inside full of sticks, grass and soil. Then we filled the pallets with the cups and then we filled in all the gaps with sticks, stones, grass and flowers.” Harris

Class Blog- 20th May

“In P.E, we were doing the long jump and triple jump. We went into groups and we were doing a team jumping competition. Each person jumped from where the last person landed and we saw who could jump the furthest. Then we practised the long and triple jump. Then we played some dodgeball.” Dawud

“In Art, for our starter we were trying to draw a lion picture that was up on the board. Then when we went down to the art room and we drew the lion in pencil, apart from the mane. Then we got felt tips and we drew the mane and then we coloured in the face using cold and warm colours. We used them for tone, to show light and dark bits. Then we added black as a background.” Charlotte

“In Maths, this week were working on duration. We were figuring out the length of time between two times by using a number line. We also were working on angles, we had to estimate the number of degrees in some angles, think about the angles between compass points and decide on the type of angle.” Becki

“In Writing, we were writing limericks. It’s a funny, short poem and normally it makes no sense. The first two lines rhyme, then the next two make a different rhyme and the last one follows the first rhyme.

We wrote a class one:

There once was a man from Peru,

Who was chased by a coo called moo,

He ran and he ran,

And he tripped on a can,

Luckily moo stopped for the loo.” Ross G

“In reading we read some more of our book Chill. Afterwards any words we didn’t know we had to figure out their meaning using clues from the text. Then we checked them in a dictionary.” Jenny

“In the woodland, we brought up tyres and pallets from the old woodland. We are going to use the pallets to make a bug hotel as part of John Muir.” Ava

“We designed our own Crookfur values posters. We did this because the old one is getting a bit out of date, so we thought it would be good to try a new one.” Olivia


Class Blog- 13th May

“In P.E at the MUGA we did a relay race, you had to run round the circle trying to catch the person in front. Then we had a game of rounders.” Edward

“In Writing we did cinquain poems. It’s a non-rhyming poem describing something. It’s in the shape of a diamond and has 5 lines.” Ava

“We have been working on a display for our John Muir award. We were finding quotes by John Muir, writing about what we’ve done in the woodland, doing leaf rubbings and we wrote some cinquain poems about nature.” Charlotte

“In French we were learning the months of the year with a song. Alfie did a dance to go with the song. We also wrote some profiles about ourselves.” Edward and Amina

“In Maths this week we’ve been working on time. We’ve been doing lots of different things like earlier or later time games. We’ve been converting between 12 and 24 hour times and vice versa.” Becki

“On Friday we did a spelling test. All our words were a then a double letter. Then we marked each others.” Ella

“At the Woodland we finished clearing the planters. Some others were tallying the number of flowers around. The other P6 class planted some seeds the next day.” Olivia

“In Literacy we looked at the characters’ personality and appearance and wrote about the evidence and quotes we could find. We also read some more of our book, “Chill”.” Dawud

Class Blog- 6th May

“Welcome to the 6B blog!” Isla C

“In Drama with Mrs Hutchison we were going round the circle trying to continue a story. Each part had to start unfortunately or fortunately. Then, we also had to act out things that Mrs Hutchison shouted out. Lastly, two people went up to act out things from a starter sentence.” Emily

“In Maths we were trying to make one and ten with different 1 decimal place numbers. We practised, then played bingo.” Amina

“In P.E we were doing relay races. We played a warm up game, we all had bean bags and we had to try and get rid of all our own bean bags. Then, we did relays. We started by getting into a line, running round cones and then passing on a baton. Then we did the same, but just before we passed the baton the other person started running. Lastly, we played rounders.” Charlotte

“In Art with Mrs Hutchison we were practising creating different textures with paint. We had to use lots of different brushes, like a flat bristled brush for spiky textures and a round bristled brush for fluffy textures. We used these techniques to make animals, by doing some textures and then using a finer brush to add details.” Becki

“We started a new class novel called ‘Chill’ by Alex Nye. It’s a ghost story. We have read the first two chapters. We’ve been focusing on predictions about the book and giving evidence for these.” Isla G

“We had an assembly. Mrs Amin was talking about Eid and she did a quiz. She brought some P3s to talk about Eid.” Alfie

Class blog- 29th April

“In Art we were drawing a bird’s head. We used shading to create texture.” Aisha

“In Writing we had a go at writing a cold piece where we could write about whatever we wanted to show off our skills.” Becki

“At the woodland we were weeding planter boxes so we can plant some flowers in them. We hope this will mean the woodland will attract more animals. We also used a crayon rubbing technique on leaves and bark to find their patterns and textures.” Rosie

“For our topic we did a live lesson online. We were investigating sea level changes. We had two cans and we used these to recreate sea ice and land ice. As the ice melted the land ice made sea levels rise, the sea ice didn’t.” Dawud

“In Maths we were looking at 3d shapes. We talked about edges, faces and vertices. We learnt what makes a prism special.” Zakir

“We were finding the volume of shapes. We started off counting cubes to find the volume in cm cubed. Then we multiplied the height, width and depth to find volumes.” Olivia

“In P.E we had different athletics stations. We practised hurdles, played tig to develop speed, we played a reactions game and we had a speed jump station.” Amina

“In R.M.E we discussed the similarities and differences between churches and mosques. A similarity could be both are places of worship and a difference was mosques have shoe racks but churches don’t.” Dawud

Class Blog- 22nd April

“In Art with Mrs Hutchison we were working with watercolours to design a neurographic piece. We started off by putting lines all across the page,  not too big or too small or too many. Then we put transitions where any of the lines crossed and then we added in circles. Then we got watercolours and painted the different sections. We had to use a mix of warm and cold colours.” Charlotte

“In Maths Mrs Lamont came to play some maths games with us. We played countdown, where we had to make different numbers out smaller numbers, we played power line where you have to put numbers on lines so they add up to a certain number.” Ryan

“We learnt about volume in maths. We practised reading scales and we measured volumes of different water in different jugs and containers.” Kaitlyn

“In writing we were writing recounts about our Easter holidays.” Isla

“In P.E we were doing athletics. We did some running and worked on running at the same pace. We ran round the MUGA for a minute and then we did it again and tried to get to exactly the same spot. We also played boys vs girls chaos tig.” Zakir and Ross J

“On Friday it was Earth Day. We all came in in something “green”. It could be the colour or something environmentally friendly like a hand me down or with an eco friendly message. We thought in class about how we could help the environment.” Rosie

Class blog- 25th March

“In Drama we were doing vocal warm ups, such as tongue twisters. Then, we did a story by adding one word each. Later, we moved the tables and we mimed scenes at the front. Mrs Hutchinson was describing what they were watching on TV. We also did dinner time, with slow motion sections. Then, we did a slow motion football and basketball scene and then we did them in fast forward.” Charlotte

“In P.E we worked on our stamina by running for 5 minutes without stopping. Then we played a dodge ball game.” Edward

“On Monday Tony from Active Schools came in. All the groups had a turn at leading a game. The people leading the game were coaches they had to organise and explain the game to their classmates.” Zakir

“In the woodland we learnt how to use a compass. It was actually quite tricky. First we used the compass to face different directions. Then Mr Flood told us to go certain directions for a certain number of steps, we had to try and stop on a certain point.” Cameron

“In Numeracy we were doing rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000 100 000 and 1000 000.” Dawud

“In Writing we wrote comparative reports. We wrote about polar animals (penguins and polar bears) focusing on their diet, habitat and adaptations.” Ava

“In topic we learnt about food webs. A food web is lots of connected food chains. After we learnt about it we made Arctic food web posters using the internet to look things up.” Myra

We made posters for Science Week about growth. Rosie, Becki and Myra made a poster about the growth of humans from cavemen to now. They were our class winners.

Class blog- 18th March

“In Drama we were doing vocal warm ups. We started off with tongue twisters, they were kinda hard, but not too hard. Then, we were saying good morning in different voices and accents. Then, we played a game called ‘Master, Master who am I’. Someone was blindfolded and someone else did a voice, the blindfolded person had to guess. Mrs Hutchinson even had a go!”- Charlotte

“For British Science week we were looking at designing a robot or machine that would help with jobs around a farm and get around problems that happen when other machines do those jobs, such as compacted soil and pollution. To see what jobs the robots had to do we got a plate of peas and sweetcorn and had to try and separate the peas and leave sweetcorn behind.” Becki

“In music we had a stave and we wrote down different notes. We tried to draw the treble clef. Some people also played a song on the glockenspiels- “When the Saints Go Marching In.” ” Kaitlyn and Dawud

“In the woodland we were picking up leaves and rubbish to help the environment. The rubbish can get animals stuck or could choke them. We picked up the leaves because in winter they cover the plants to help keep them warm, but in spring they block the light.” Olivia

“In writing we were started learning comparative reports. We examined a text about dragons and unicorns. It compared the two things. We picked out features like subheadings, pictures, captions, technical vocabulary, formal writing and comparative phrases.” Ryan, Ella and Ava

“In maths we were looking at big numbers above a million. We had to write in words and numbers and put them in order. We also read numbers from scales and found missing numbers.” Zakir