Week 9

Thanks for visiting our blog. We’ve learnt loads this week in P6b.

In literacy we’ve been practising our comprehension skills and discussing our books. In writing we wrote a piece to show off everything we have been learning, there was a fantastic amount of effort put in by everyone.

In numeracy we carried on learning about decimals, fractions and function machines. While learning about shape we were finding the missing angles in triangles and some of us took on an extra challenge of drawing accurate triangles with protractors.

We had a great time in the woodland on Monday. We worked together to complete lots of different challenges.

In P.E we continued to practise our basketball skills and started working on fitness and football skills too.

In health and wellbeing we have carried on learning about bounce back strategies. This week we focussed on staying positive.

Enjoy your weekend!

Week 8

We’ve jumped straight back into our learning after the holidays.

We have been continuing our clans topic looking at different soldiers, weapons and different wars and battles. We discussed how technology changed over the time of the clans.

In art with Mrs Hutchison we explored shade and tone, mixing white and black into different colours.

We revised punctuation in Literacy, using full stops, capitals and commas correctly.

In writing we continued a story about a monster and tried to use lots of VCOP.

In maths some of us were simplifying fractions, others were adding decimals and other people were practising function machines.

In P.E we started basketball. We worked on passing and dribbling skills.

We hope you enjoy your weekend!

Week 7

We’ve been working really hard this week. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to.

We used ISPACE openers to improve our writing. We all chose different genres and topics.

In maths we continued to explore our decimals, fractions and function machines. We also began looking at shape, including types of triangles and the properties of shapes.

In Health and Wellbeing we started looking at helpful and unhelpful types of thinking.

In P.E this week we used different stations to practise different ball skills. Such as throwing and catching and aiming.

In the woodland this week we used natural materials we found outside to dye materials and investigate how clans might have dyed clothes. Some people even made tartan patterns.

It’s the October holiday. We hope everyone enjoys a well earned break.

Week 6

It was Maths week this week. We were thinking about how to use maths in our future jobs. We made posters to show how they would use maths.

In numeracy this week we started some new topics, decimals (looking at tenths and hundredths), fractions and function machines.

We’ve been practising our French this week. We used an app called Rigolo to help us learn the French names for classroom objects. We played memory games to practise our French. We enjoyed hiding objects and seeing if we could use our French skills to say what was missing.

In literacy we worked on ways to start sentences, we used ISPACE to help us remember them. Each letter is a different way to start a sentence (I- ing word, S- simile, P- preposition, A- adverbs, C- Conjunction, E- ed word). We used these to write sentences in our jotters.

We had group discussions about our class novel, and debated one of the rules, “Trust No-one.”

For our clans topic we made notes about Scottish history and then arranged them on a timeline.

Thanks for reading our blog and we hope you have a great weekend!