Class blog- 1st June

“In Writing, we were writing acrostic poems. Since it was the Jubilee we were writing about the Queen. We watched a video to get some ideas about the Queen and then we had 2 minutes to think of any words about the Jubilee we could use in our writing. Then we got on to our writing, we wrote one of these acrostic poems- The Queen, The Queen’s Jubilee or The Platinum Jubilee. At the end we listened to some of our classmates poems.” Charlotte

“We did some computer coding. We were using a website called Scratch, we created a game where you had to jump obstacles. In the game you chose a character and an obstacle from the Scratch library. We programmed the space bar to make us jump.” Ryan

“We learnt to find finishing times. We had to work out what times different films finished. We used a number line to help.” Zakir

“We did a colour run. Everyone got paint powder thrown at them and water balloons. We ran round the school with our P1 buddies. It was great fun.” Aisha and Ava

“The whole school went to the assembly hall to watch the finals of Crookfur’s Got Talent. Then we had to vote for which one we wanted to win.” Myra

“In Maths, we were planning a dream trip to London. We picked accommodation, train rides and places we wanted to eat. We used train timetables, to know when the train would leave and arrive, and we used the internet to plan other things.” Habiba

“In P.E we did jumping a throwing. We used shot puts and discusses and we practised long jump and triple jump.” Edward

“In the Woodland we made a bug hotel. To make it we stacked pallets, and put paper cups inside full of sticks, grass and soil. Then we filled the pallets with the cups and then we filled in all the gaps with sticks, stones, grass and flowers.” Harris