
Hello everyone.

Sorry again for the technical issues yesterday which meant a delay in our morning blog post! Hoping that this one posts without a glitch 🙂

Home Learning – 14.05.20

Thank you for your continued support and hard work. It has been fantastic to see all of your amazing work and creativity.

Have a fantastic day.

Mrs Macintyre x


Hello you fantastic bunch.

Please find Home Learning and relevant docs below. Have a superb day!

Home Learning – 12.05.20

Spotlight Skills Come Dine with Me

I also want to give you some advanced warning that our Social Space Classroom will be open for a fresh discussion on Wednesday morning at 10 – 11am and we will be welcoming a very very special guest at this time! Mrs Friel will be joining us! Can’t wait to virtually chat to you all.

As always, please contact me via email or google classroom comments if there’s anything at all I can assist with.

Have a super day.

Mrs Mac x


Happy Wednesday everyone, although really it’s like a Friday because you are all off tomorrow and Friday! Woohoo!

Please find Home Learning Experiences in the doc below.

Home Learning – 06.05.20

Most importantly, I want everyone to have a fantastic day. Spend time outside while the weather is nice and do things which make you smile! Can’t wait to chat with you all between 10 and 11 on our Social Space.

Sending love,

Mrs Macintyre x


Good morning everyone!

As usual, Home Learning Experiences in the document below!

Home Learning – 05.05.20

Also, our Social Space will be live again tomorrow between 10 – 11 for anyone wishing to log on for a virtual chat!

Have a fantastic day and please keep all your amazing hard work coming my way!

Mrs Macintyre x

Assembly Bell….

Primary 5! Can you hear that….? It’s the bell for assembly! Line up at the door and we’ll head down.. 🙂

