
Happy Friday P5!

Aren’t Fridays even better when we know the weather is going to be good!? Make sure you stay safe in this warm sun!

Home Learning can be found in document below as normal. Please contact me the usual ways with anything at all 🙂

Home Learning – 29.05.20

Have a fantastic weekend.

Mrs Mac x


Good morning and happy Thursday/feels like Friday!

Have a great time with learning today and most importantly, spend some time outside while we have this lovely weather! I’ll be in our Hub School this morning but will be replying to comments and emails this afternoon.

Home Learning – 21.05.20

Enjoy the long weekend when it arrives!

Mrs Macintyre x

Good mooooooooorning!

I hope you’ve all had a great week so far. Remember this week and next week are shorter weeks! We’re off on Friday this week and Monday and Tuesday next week.

Please find Home Learning Experiences in document below.

Home Learning – 20.05.20

Have a wonderful day.

Mrs Macintyre x



I was SO thrilled to find out that we were NUMBER ONE for the SumDog competition on Friday! Well done everyone, what a fabulous achievement!? I wonder if we can maintain a really high position on the leaderboard? Super proud of you all 🙂

Please find Home Learning and all relevant documents below. I’m just an email away if there’s anything at all that I can help you with 🙂

Home Learning – 18.05.20

Spelling Words – 18.05.20


Have a great day.

Mrs Macintyre x