Dear Parents and Carers,

Another brilliant year in St Joseph’s has passed and we are ready for a summer of fun!

I would like to thank you for all your support during this session, the time and effort you put in to supporting our children in all their endeavour is hugely appreciated. I would also like to thank you for your kind words and constant encouragement for our staff.

We have been blessed with a staff team in St Joseph’s who are dedicated to the wellbeing of our children and will always put their needs at the centre of everything they do. I would like to thank them for everything they have achieved this session and wish them a very restful and relaxing summer.

And a final thank you to Canon Stephen who has helped support and guide us through the last session. He has been a constant presence in our school and his kind words and strength of Faith have helped to keep us strong.

So, as we head into a  period of summer sun (hopefully) I hope you enjoy precious family time and relax a little!

With much love

Suzanne Martin

Head Teacher