Please see letter below from Jason Leitch
Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020
Please see letter below from Jason Leitch
Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020
Please see document below as a guide for Young People during COVID-19
Please see document below which is an update on Health and Wellbeing from the Authority
Please see link below for advice on coronavirus (COVID-19) for people with eczema
Please see the NHS Scotland link below for advice on the Coronavirus
We have produced child friendly colour posters which will be displayed in all toilets and infant classrooms
As you are aware we are in the process of planning the school garden. The children told us they wanted to plant their own fruit and vegetables so we contacted Young Enterprise Scotland to ask them to give us a quote for raised beds. We shared the children’s vision for the garden and they gave us some great advice and an idea of what it might cost. Unfortunately as the children have big plans the cost was significantly more than the funding we received from the Food for Thought Project.
Young Enterprise Scotland has since contacted us with a fantastic opportunity which would be beneficial for both their Social Enterprise and St Joseph’s School.
They have applied for some money, from the Aviva Community Fund, to give young people on their Landscaping Pathway programmes the opportunity to gain valuable work experience by creating new community gardens across East Renfrewshire. This will give disengaged young people the opportunity to build their skills and confidence by making practical improvements to their local communities. They have offered to include the garden at St Joseph’s Primary School as one of these, meaning that they could use some of the funding received to develop an Eco garden area in our playground.
To maximise the chances of receiving the funding Young Enterprise Scotland must receive as many online votes as possible to become finalists.
Please see below the voting link for the project:
To vote you need to register for an account (only takes a couple of minutes) and then you can vote up to 10 times.
We urge you to take the time to vote for this project and persuade your family and friends to do likewise.
The deadline for voting is the 18th November.
Kind regards and fingers crossed!
Andrina Thomson
New guidelines on managing head lice have been given to schools by the Scottish Executive. We have been advised against sending out “Alert Letters” each time a parent informs us their child has head lice. Instead we should supply parents with helpful information to combat infection. Click her for a leaflet about Head Lice Control Head Lice Control Leaflet