Dear Parent / Carer

Return to School and Nursery in January 2021

Following the latest announcement by the Scottish Government, I wanted to get in touch with you directly and outline what this will mean for you and your family at the start of the new school term.

They key changes are as follows:

 The school term will now recommence on Monday 11th January 2021 and will be in the form of remote learning only for most pupils.

 Children of key workers and children from vulnerable families will attend school or nursery from Wednesday 6th January. As our establishments were closed when the new arrangements were announced, pupil return has been pushed back by one day to allow
schools to prepare and adjust.

 At present we expect all children and young people to physically return to school or nursery on Monday 18th January. Should this change we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Whilst we would all prefer to be providing teaching in schools and nurseries and in person, we do now have detailed contingency plans developed for remote learning. Teachers will be in touch with you and your family before term commences on the 11th January to provide you with more information. Schools will also work to provide access to a device to enable online learning should you require this.

It is important that only children of key workers and from vulnerable families return to school and nurseries on Wednesday 6th January.

Those qualifying for keyworker provision will include any family where both parents (or a lone parent in a single parent household) are unable to work from home and where there is no other childcare available. Importantly, unlike the restrictions in place before last summer, grandparents and other family members will be able
to provide childcare so please ensure you consider all of the options available to you and your family before sending your children back to school or nursery.

If you meet the above criteria, you can apply for a place at school using the following link:


You will be asked for information about your family’s circumstances, any work commitments and what provision you will require. Your child’s school will be in touch on the 5th January after the holidays to confirm your child’s place. If you require any further information, you can contact your child’s school directly when they reopen on the 5th

For all children who will be attending school, regular school transport will be provided from the 6th January.

I do understand that this latest change has brought further uncertainty at the end of a difficult year. Please be assured that whilst a return to remote learning is a circumstance that our
schools and nurseries did not wish to revisit, we are well prepared now to respond to this challenge.

I know our schools and nurseries will be ready to respond to any questions you might have when they reopen on the Tuesday 5th January.

Yours sincerely

Mark Ratter
Director of Education