Tag Archives: PSA

OLM Parent AGMs – Thursday 13th September – junior department

Our parent community plays a huge role in school life. Last year, our parents did everything from organising discos, fetes and our first annual Supper Dance through to helping our children become world record holders, hosting our first International day and creating our fabulous new outdoor learning area.

To keep up that good work, we need lots of help again this year! Please come along to (one or both of) our AGMS on Thursday 13th September in the junior department if you would like to hear more.

We have 2 parent groups with different roles:

PSA (Parent Staff Association) – AGM 6.30 – the PSA organises events such as our Christmas and summer fetes and discos to raise funds which support activities and improvements in school. The PSA pays for everything from playground facilities, parties and school trips through to equipment and other extras which benefit all the children in school

PC (Parent Council  – AGM 7.30 – the PC supports the school in improving learning experiences / outcomes and represents the views of parents in school life including developing the playground, running OLM Hub coffee events and other initiatives supporting parents such as parent guides, our inclusion group and uniform sales. Please note, membership of the PC for the year requires attendance at the AGM (this happens at the end of the meeting for those who wish to join) but if you can’t make it, don’t worry as parents / carers can attend any meeting.

Please do join one or both of our parent groups. Just come along on the night to hear more (the meetings will run consecutively). There will be meetings through the year but a lot of work is behind the scenes in working groups so if you can contribute any time at all to help, it will always be very welcome. Both groups will also be looking for additional office bearers.

None of these special events or improvements which benefit all our children happen by magic. We know everyone is busy – we all have family and work commitments – but the more we work together, the more we can achieve for our whole school community. We look forward to seeing as many as possible on the night!

If you have any queries meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Parent Council (PC) – olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com
Parent Staff Association (PSA) – olmpsa@hotmail.com


Saturday 2nd June 2018   2pm-4pm SAVE THE DATE !!

 We are looking for donations over the coming weeks for our stalls

Fancy a Spring Clean? Do you have any unused gifts or toys in good condition?

We are looking for donations of the following:

  • Tombola Items such as gift sets / perfume / make up / jewellery –plus gift bags (any occasion)
  • Children’s Books, DVDs, Computer Games
  • Bottles (anything unopened!) Such as wine, beer, miniatures or even champagne!
  • Toysin good condition please, and secure any loose parts.
  • Home-baking– Donations on Friday evening (1st June) or on the day of the Fete
  • Teddies – in clean condition for the Teddy Tombola

Donations can be handed in to the school office at any time from this week onwards, and also on the evening of Friday 1st June (until 8.30pm), while the stalls are being set up.



Dear Parents,

The run up to summer will be an exciting time for Our Lady of the Missions as we continue to be supported by the PSA and Parent Council in raising funds and holding events to bring our school community together. Here are a few highlights in the months to come. We even hope to be world record holders by summer…watch this space and save the dates! Continue reading FUNDRAISING AND DATES FOR YOUR DIARY


THIS SATURDAY! 2nd December 2017   1pm-3.30pm

We are still looking for donations for our stalls
Do you have any unused gifts or toys in good condition? Why not have a clear out to make room for Santa coming.
We are looking for donations of the following:

  • Tombola Items such as gift sets / perfume / make up / jewellery –plus gift bags (any occasion)
  • Children’s Books, DVDs, Computer Games
  • Bottles (anything unopened!) Such as wine, beer, miniatures or even champagne!
  • Toysin good condition please, and secure any lose parts
  • Home-baking– Donations on Friday evening (1st December) or on the day of the Fayre
    Donations can be handed in to the school office at any time, and also on the evening of Friday 1st December (until 8.30pm), while the stalls are being set up.

Face Painting, Tea Room, Bouncy castle, Visit Santa in his Grotto

Victoria Drugan and Bernadine Nordmann,

OLM PSA Joint Chair (Scottish Charity SC041564)

Parent Staff Association (PSA) Annual General Meeting

It is the PSA Annual General Meeting on Thursday 7th September, 7pm for existing members and 7.30pm for new members.  We will have vacant positions for Treasurer and Minutes Secretary this year so desperately need new members.

 The PSA is a great way of getting involved with the School especially if you are new to the School or if you have good ideas you would like to share.  You can commit as little or as much time as you would like.  Either helping organise the fundraising events, shopping for school parties or helping out at the events themselves.

 Come along and find out more and we look forward to meeting you.

 Victoria and Bernadine PSA Co-Chairs


Discos – Reminder

When ?         P1 Tuesday 13th June 6.30pm to 7.30pm

P2 Wednesday 14th June 6.30pm to 7.30pm

P3 Thursday 15th June 6.30pm to 7.30pm

P4 Tuesday 13th June 7.45pm to 9pm

P5 Wednesday 14th June 7.45pm to 9pm

P6 Thursday 15th June 7.45pm to 9pm

Cost?              £3 – (to include juice and ice lolly)

to be paid on the night at registration Please bring correct change 

We still need parents to help at P2 and P3 discos. Please email olm-psa@hotmail.com if you can help.

Parents must sign in and sign out each child at the class registration table in the mensa.

Thank you for your continued support




Our first International Day of food, art, music, sport and dance celebrating the many nationalities and cultures in Our Lady of the Missions will take place on Sunday 10th September.

What would you like to do on the day to represent yours?

 Can you or anyone in your family cook, dance, play, sing, perform, run a craft/art activity or do anything else to share your nationality or culture?

Please either return the slip sent from school or email us on olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com or olm-psa@hotmail.com with the following info asap:

are you likely to come?
what do you want to do?
what is your nationality?
name / child’s name / class / mobile phone/ email address

 Many thanks!


Summer Fun Day Donations Please

Please hand in nearly new toys, teddies and children’s books this week for our summer fun day – Saturday 3rd June 1 – 3.30pm.
Any unwanted bottles of wine, ketchup or shampoo ? All donations for our bottle stall gratefully received.
Please bring any home baking to the school on Friday until 8pm,
Thank you for your support.




Dear all,

 As we outlined earlier in the school year the OLM – PSA are trying some new events for fundraising this year to ensure that all children can take part.

 Last term we enjoyed the successful Reindeer Day and Christmas Fayre which enabled us to fund …

Think Science
The profits from the Christmas Fayre have funded the Think Science Workshops for P1 to P6. Feedback from the children and staff has been extremely positive and we hope to be able to fund this activity each year (although as the workshops are so expensive we are likely only to be able to fund this every second year for each class). Total cost £3100. Continue reading PSA NEWS AND DATES FOR YOUR DIARY

Please support the OLM Christmas Fayre

Saturday  3rd December 1pm to 3.30pm

 Tickets are £2.50 per adult (children are free) and  include tea / coffee mince pies/ traybake and free juice and biscuits for the kids.

You can visit Santa (£3 per child includes a gift) – we will have a ticketing system so no need for a long queue.

This year we will have a Children’s zone in the Junior Department with Games, Lego building, Face Painting, Christmas Movies, Toy and Book stalls and more…

And a Christmas Market and Raffle in the Main Gym Hall with Craft stalls, Bottle and Gift tombolas, our fantastic raffle and for the first time Mulled Wine !!!

The tearoom will be in the Mensa as usual with the home baking and food stalls…..

All money raised will go to funding activities and equipment for the children at OLM

Thank you for your continued support

Bernadine and Victoria
OLM PSA Joint Chairs