Dear Parents,

The run up to summer will be an exciting time for Our Lady of the Missions as we continue to be supported by the PSA and Parent Council in raising funds and holding events to bring our school community together. Here are a few highlights in the months to come. We even hope to be world record holders by summer…watch this space and save the dates!

OLM Hub – coffee, cake and chat 2 March 9am
P3/4 mums Ladies Night 16th March
Adopt a tree day 18th March
Easter Egg Hunt 22nd or 29th March tbc
Guinness world record attempt (sponsored) 20 April – tbc
International Day 29th April
P5/6 mums Ladies Night 11th May
Annual PSA Summer Fete 2nd June
School discos P1-6 11th – 13th June
P7 Ceilidh 18th June
Sports Day 21st June
First Annual OLM Supper Dance for parents 22nd June
Summer Concert tbc

Not all events will be fundraisers – some are just for fun – but supporting developments and activities in school is an important issue:

  • Playground development – we have achieved so much already with minimal funding but we want to do much more! The playground team has consulted with the children / staff and will soon share more detailed plans. To make these happen, we need to raise significant amounts around half of which we hope to achieve through grant funding. The remainder will hopefully come from fundraising as above.
  •  PSA – the PSA works hard every year to ensure we have funds to pay for a variety of events / equipment – so please do continue to support all our events. Recent donations have included; Playground Speakers (£250), Science Festival (£1,800), Kindle Covers for P1 (£150), Digital Cameras (£500), Fridge for nurture room (£200). Other annual expenses include: Buses for school trips (approx. £2,000), Certificates for First Communicants (£200), Bibles / Korans for P7 leavers (£700), Ice-Cream for Sports Day (£600), P7 Disco / Ceilidh (£800), Christmas Parties (£1,000)
  • Class challenge – we will also soon appeal for representatives from each class to help organise this fun, family led challenge for each class to raise £100 through the year. Classes / stages can join together if they want to do events or activities which the children (and parents!) will enjoy – put the fun into fundraising! More details will follow and support / guidance will be provided.

That’s our quick rundown of forthcoming highlights. We are looking forward to them…hope you are too!


Catherine Dillon-Ruddy

Head Teacher