OLM Parent AGMs – Thursday 13th September – junior department

Our parent community plays a huge role in school life. Last year, our parents did everything from organising discos, fetes and our first annual Supper Dance through to helping our children become world record holders, hosting our first International day and creating our fabulous new outdoor learning area.

To keep up that good work, we need lots of help again this year! Please come along to (one or both of) our AGMS on Thursday 13th September in the junior department if you would like to hear more.

We have 2 parent groups with different roles:

PSA (Parent Staff Association) – AGM 6.30 – the PSA organises events such as our Christmas and summer fetes and discos to raise funds which support activities and improvements in school. The PSA pays for everything from playground facilities, parties and school trips through to equipment and other extras which benefit all the children in school

PC (Parent Council  – AGM 7.30 – the PC supports the school in improving learning experiences / outcomes and represents the views of parents in school life including developing the playground, running OLM Hub coffee events and other initiatives supporting parents such as parent guides, our inclusion group and uniform sales. Please note, membership of the PC for the year requires attendance at the AGM (this happens at the end of the meeting for those who wish to join) but if you can’t make it, don’t worry as parents / carers can attend any meeting.

Please do join one or both of our parent groups. Just come along on the night to hear more (the meetings will run consecutively). There will be meetings through the year but a lot of work is behind the scenes in working groups so if you can contribute any time at all to help, it will always be very welcome. Both groups will also be looking for additional office bearers.

None of these special events or improvements which benefit all our children happen by magic. We know everyone is busy – we all have family and work commitments – but the more we work together, the more we can achieve for our whole school community. We look forward to seeing as many as possible on the night!

If you have any queries meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Parent Council (PC) – olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com
Parent Staff Association (PSA) – olmpsa@hotmail.com