Tag Archives: parents

Christmas Concert Times

Monday 8th December “The Nativity” P1a at 11.30am    Tea and Coffee  at 11.00am
Tuesday 9th December “The Nativity” P1b at 11.30am    Tea and Coffee  at 11.00am
  Musicians perform at 1.00pm (Woodwind)
  Choir will perform at 1.15pm
  4a/5a Performance at 1.30pm
  “Magical Christmas Journey” 2a/3a at 2.00pm
Wednesday 10th  December “The Nativity” P1c at 11.30am    Tea and Coffee  at 11.00am
  Musicians perform at 1.00pm (Brass)
  Choir will perform at 1.15pm
  4b/5b Performance at 1.30pm
  “Magical Christmas Journey” 2b/3b at 2.00pm
Thursday 11th December “The Nativity” P1d at 11.30am    Tea and Coffee  at 11.00am
  Musicians perform at 1.00pm (Guitars)
  Choir will perform at 1.15pm
  4c/5c Performance at 1.30pm
  “Magical Christmas Journey” 2c/3c at 2.00pm
Friday 12th December “The Nativity” P1e at 11.30am    Tea and Coffee  at 11.00am
  Musicians perform at 1.00pm (Strings)
  Choir will perform at 1.15pm
  4d/5d Performance at 1.30pm
  “Magical Christmas Journey” 2d/3d at 2.00pm

Parking On Inglestone Avenue and surrounding streets

Do you bring children to school by car?

Are your children in the Junior Department?

Do you park responsibly on Inglestone Avenue and surrounding streets?

Please be courteous to residents and give due consideration and respect by ensuring that driveways aren’t blocked, you aren’t double parked or causing an obstruction and that no parking occurs within turning bays or circles.

Many thanks for your cooperation with this matter

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 11th September 2014



Minutes of the Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council AGM

11th September 2014


C. Jamieson, G. Boyle, A. Forsyth, M. O’Reilly, L. Garety, C. James, J. Taggart, R. Spooner, Cllr Waters, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McAskill, M. Moore, M-C. Darroch, C. McCudden, K. Kelly, F. McKean, C. McLaughlin, M. Cluckie, P. Hessett, G. Bhatti, M. Hynes, J. Heraghty, C. Bowes, J. Harkins, S. Morrison, E. Holland, J. McLachlan


 C. Jamieson explained that the Meet the Teacher evening had gone well. He said that a lot of work had been done in the new building over the summer and that the additional space was very welcome. There are plans to look at how best to use the building and changes would continue to be made in the allocation of space where necessary.

 The garden area has been cleared by the council and the Gardening Club has begun planting.  It was noted that it would be important to be mindful of local residents when large number of pupils are using this space.

 Additional works are planned to take place during the October break and  more work will be carried out after the breakthrough to the new building. The cafeteria will be replaced and the kitchen will be renewed as part of preparations for free school meals for p1 to 3 in 2015.

 C. Jamieson has put fire evacuation plans into every classroom, including for those pupils with additional needs.

 M. O’Reilly asked about whether there were any plans to freshen up the canopied area beside the P4 door. C. Jamieson replied that this would be painted.

 M. Moore asked about signs for the new building. C. Jamieson said that new signs had been ordered.

 J. Heraghty asked about the timeframe for the completion of the corridor. C. Jamieson replied that he had been in contact with R. O’Kane of ERC and that the tower was taking shape but that the project is running a few weeks behind schedule. It is hoped that this time will be made up and that the corridor will be completed by late November, early December. Cllr McAskill noted that it would be reasonable to expect that the time lost could be recovered.

 Discussions with ERC will include the issue of levelling the ground and any development of the land that might take place if there is any money left over from the original budget. C. Jamieson added that in view of the cost of creating the access road, it might be more cost-efficient to make use of the aggregate that has been brought in. The accounts will be scrutinized in October and in addition a capital bid has been submitted. There has been no problem with drainage at this stage.

 C. Jamieson spoke about the removal of one of the huts and noted that the ground was already prepared underneath. An all-weather play area could potentially be established there but this was just one idea of many that could be considered once we are in a position to start planning what is feasible for the area.  Applications will be made for additional grants to fund further development if necessary.

 R. Spooner asked whether a decision would be made on the capital bid before the current project was finished. Cllr Waters replied that a decision would not be made until after Christmas and that the work would be put out to tender anyway.

C. Jamieson was hopeful that there would be money left over as some savings had been made.

 C. Jamieson said that staff had been working hard to make the two buildings work. He said that children were enjoying having to queue for a shorter time for lunch and J. McGrotty added that there was a relaxed feeling and more time for staff to catch up with the children.

 J. Taggart asked whether there was any indoor space that could be used for wet plays. C. Jamieson replied that a rota could perhaps be put into place. The gym hall is used for packed lunches but the forum or ICT suite could be used. A covered outdoor area was also suggested.

 L. Garety asked about the children missing gym when the hall is set up for other activities. C. Jamieson said that teachers had been encouraged to take children outdoors for gym when the weather is suitable.

 R. Spooner asked about Woodfarm Pavilion. C. Jamieson said that this was no longer used.

Continue reading Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 11th September 2014

Junior Department

During the October holiday, further work was carried out to the Junior Department building.

This included:  Painting and new carpets in P4 classroom and ICT suite, ramp fitted in lower corridor and ‘knock through’ for further ramp to be fitted from hall to main entrance.
This has meant that some pin boarding etc has been taken down in preparation for further work to take place over the coming months.

As you will have noticed, work on the link corridor is progressing well and we are looking forward to this reaching completion in the coming months.
We will keep you updated of any further developments/information.

Candlelit Adoration-St Joseph’s Parish

October Spiritual retreat for parents

Next Tuesday 28th October (8-9pm)
Are you finding it difficult to find time to pray or deepen your spiritual life? Are there obstacles blocking your way to Church? Are you finding it hard to enthuse your children in their own religious journey?
This month, parents in prayer invite you to an hour by candlelight to reflect and appreciate the peace that being in the Lord’s presence can give. Drop in anytime during that hour for personal prayer and listen to the calming music and reflections provided.

 Adoration is now on every Tuesday night but we are extending it this Tuesday to 9pm for parents that cannot make such an early time in the evening. Please join us afterwards for tea and coffee to get to know more people in the parish.

 For information on how to get involved with events for parents at St Joseph’s or to join the weekly mailing list please email parentsinprayer@stjosephsclarkston.com

Arrangements for early entry to buildings in the event of inclement weather

As the side ‘MENSA’ door is closed off due to building work, in the event of inclement weather in the mornings before 8.55am, children should enter the school through the main door where they can congregate in the MENSA area as before.

Children in classes housed in the Junior Department, should enter through the main Junior Department entrance and congregate in the hall/dining hall areas where they will be supervised until the bell goes.


 Parent/teacher meetings will be held on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th November from 3.55-6.45pm in order that you may discuss your child’s/children’s progress with the class teacher.

 We look forward to continuing to work in partnership to ensure the highest quality of service to the children and their families.

 Appointment slips will be sent home W/E 24th October.

 If a particular day/time is unsuitable I would ask you to inform the school IN WRITING INCLUDING YOUR CHILD’S NAME AND CLASS by Tuesday 21st October.

 Due to the number of pupils in the school, we will be unable to change appointments after this date.

 Thank you for your assistance.

Active Schools Volunteer Recruitment Night

Did Glasgow 2014 inspire you?  Would you be keen to volunteer with East Renfrewshire Active Schools and Sport Development teams? 

If so, East Renfrewshire Active Schools and Sport Development Teams are running a Volunteer Recruitment night in the lecture theatre at St Ninians High School, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, G46 6UG on Monday 1st September at 6pm for anybody who is keen to volunteer within sport and/or physical activity. Look forward to seeing you there!  Kerry Comerford – Active Schools Co-ordinator

Parking Guidelines- Junior Department

Our Lady of the Missions Primary School

Junior Department Parking Guidelines

  • No children should be dropped off or picked up by car in the Junior Department car park or in the surrounding areas, as space is extremely limited.
  •  If a child is being dropped off by car, please use the drop-off zones outside the main building, the overflow carpark at the Woodfarm pitches or the Woodfarm Pavilion car park.

  • Before and after school, our Janitor Miss Gillan will be present at the car park entrance to ensure that only staff vehicles enter/leave.
  • Please ensure that any relatives/child minders etc dropping off or collecting children are aware of these guidelines.

 The safety of all of our pupils is paramount. We thank you for your cooperation with this matter.

Parking-Junior Department

Just a reminder to all parents/carers- No children should be dropped off or picked up by car at the Junior Department car park or in the surrounding areas as space is extremely limited. If a child is being dropped off by car, please use the drop-off zones outside the main building, the overflow carpark at the Woodfarm pitches or the Woodfarm pavilion carpark.