Please follow the link below to view the Parent Council’s Annual Report, detailing major developments/achievements over the last school session.
newsletter – annual report summer 2014 final
Tag Archives: parent council
Used blazer and uniform sale
19 June 2014 – 6pm – 7.30pm – in the Mensa
How does it work?
You donate, we sell! With blazers, you can keep the proceeds or donate them for school funds. Proceeds from all other uniform items go to the school. A great bargain for buyers either way! Larger blazers are particularly helpful.
How do I donate?
Blazers / uniform should be
- handed into the school office by lunchtime on the 18th June
- in good condition.
Blazers: please put a note with your donation to confirm approximate size (as this is difficult to tell from labelling). If you want to keep the sale proceeds, you must also fill in our form – the school office has copies or you can print off the attachment to this email (it’s also on the school web site). IF YOU HAND IN A BLAZER WITHOUT A FORM WE WILL ASSUME IT HAS BEEN DONATED FOR SCHOOL FUNDS.
What will things cost?
Most blazers sold for £10-£20 last year depending on condition. Clothing depended on quality and condition but still a fraction of the usual cost. Items in less good condition may be given away on the night. Leftover items will be kept for the next sale (if in v good condition) or donated for charity recycling. Thanks for your support!
Contact or 07810 541250 with queries. Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council
Please follow link below to print off form only if you wish to keep the price of your blazer rather than donating to school funds
Parent Council Meeting- March 2014 minutes
Our lady of the Missions Primary School Parent Council
Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 13th March 2014
Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Mary O’Reilly, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Clare Bowes, Cllr Waters, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McCaskill, J. Taggart, C. James, J. Heraghty, A. Friel, R. Spooner, M, McAlpine
Cllr Wallace, N. Salim, M. Moore, Cllr Fletcher, G. Bhatti, L. Garety, J. McLachlan
It was noted that P. Rogers had tendered her resignation from the Parent Council
Approval of the Minutes for the January PC Meeting
Proposed- C. Bowes
Seconded- J. Heraghty
Update on Transition
C. Jamieson explained that D. Leask had informed him that the tenders for the building work were in and were being scrutinised. He said that he did not yet know who the contractor would be and did not yet have a start date but that he had been advised that the start of the work would be imminent and that a perimeter fence for security was already being erected in the Robslee campus. He added that there would be two ways to access routes from OLM to Glenwood without having to cut through Robslee.
Cllr Waters said that a winning bid had been chosen and that the details were being finalised.
C. Jamieson said that he had brought up with D. Leask the issue of the masonry bees at Robslee. He added that he hoped to visit the Robslee building again after Easter, when he would know what money was still available.
A. Forsyth drew attention to the reduced time for the building work to be completed.
C. Houston asked whether the school had been consulted about awarding the contract. Cllr Waters replied that procurement laws prevented that and that three officers judged the contracts. C. Houston went on to note that the school , had not therefore seen what was in the contract since it was a Design and Build contract that went out to tender. Cllr Waters said that although it was a Design and Build contract, it had a very detailed specification.
K. Kelly asked whether the contract had been awarded to the lowest bidder. Cllr Waters replied that there was a price/ quality balance. Cllr Robertson added that each bid would be marked on certain criteria which would have been included in the specification.
C. Houston emphasised the need for good quality and said that the building material would be important. Cllr Waters said that samples of the proposed building materials were often included with the tender. The contractor is picked from a council list. He expected that the tenders would be less than the budget.
K. Kelly noted the two different aesthetics of the OLM and Robslee buildings and queried how a building material would be chosen to blend the two together. Cllr Waters replied that that was the role of D. Leask, who has responsibility for all of the school buildings.
Cllr Robertson said that the bids would be checked to ensure that they meet the specifications. C. Houston noted that contractors could find a way round this in the way they write their tenders. C. Jamieson said that the drawings of the architect had been available and so the tender should be in line with what was asked for.
Cllr Waters explained that he had not seen the winning contract or the full specification but he envisaged that the clerking of the work would have to be a daily or weekly exercise. He also stated that agency staff could be used to prevent slippage.
R. Spooner asked about the clerking of the work. Cllr Waters replied that the clerk would check in with C. Jamieson. R. Spooner also asked whether the text of the winning bid would be available to view. He was told that it would not.
G. Devenney asked whether, in the system of the preferred list, a contractor could be removed if they failed to provide work of a suitable standard. Cllr Waters replied that they could.
A. Friel asked whether the new building would be given a new name. C. Jamieson replied that it would not be given a separate name as such but that it would need to be identified in some way so that the 2 areas of the campus could be distinguished from one another.
A. Forsyth asked about how the project would be delivered on time. C. Houston asked if there was a contingency plan if the work was not finished in time for August. He noted that there were still building procedures that would have to completed before work can begin. Cllr Waters replied that the time scale would be finalised after the award of the contract has been completed but that there might still be snagging work that will need to be completed after August. G. Boyle asked for more specific detail about what the snagging period might entail. Cllr Waters said that he anticipated only small jobs needing to be completed and that the school would need to function round this work being finished. He added that if there is a delay and the tender is under budget, then there might be the finance available to get the project back on track.
C. Houston asked whether paying for acceleration would come out of the budget and whether that would be to the detriment of paying for other things. Cllr Waters explained that the way the capital budget works, any money not spent on the link corridor will go back into the pot and does not automatically refer to the school. However, a further decision at a political level could be made to allocate further funds if this was felt necessary / appropriate.
K. Kelly asked whether the contractor would be obliged to reinstate the landscaping as it is. Cllr Waters replied that some landscaping would probably be included. Cllr Robertson stated that if it was not included, the council would be able to do some landscaping work. He added that by the time of the last Parent Council meeting of the session in June, there would be a better idea of whether the project was on track.
Date of Next Parent Council Meeting
Please note the next Parent Council meeting has been changed from 8th May to 29th May – still in the school at 7pm.
All parents and carers are welcome.
Parent Council Minutes January 2014
Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council
Minutes of Meeting
30th January 2014
Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Joe McLachlan, Peter Hesset, Christine McCudden, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Nadia Salim, Cllr Waters, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Montague, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McAskill, Cllr Wallace
A. Hussain, J. Taggart, A. Friel, P. Rogers, R. Spooner, C. James, M. McBryde, J. Heraghty
Approval of the Minutes for the December PC Meeting
Proposed- G. Boyle
Seconded- G. Bhatti
Update on Transition
C. Jamieson had received updates from F. Morrison and H. DeLombardi, stating that the tender was due back on 7th February and that the contract would be issued by late February/ early March, allowing time for the job to be finished by August.
C. Jamieson had had a walk around the Robslee building with a view to assessing what furniture and fittings would be required as most current furniture etc is being removed. He noted that eight classes would be available in the new building, five on the ground floor and three on the upper floor. There is also an assembly hall and stage, a cafeteria, two support-for-learning bases and some offices. There are also some large classrooms and a computer suite. He indicated that one hut may be retained.
Following extensive discussion by staff in the school, it is proposed that P4 and P5 pupils will be accommodated in the new building. It was felt best not to move P1-3 into the new building because thirteen classrooms would be required to accommodate P1-3, with five P1 classes next session.
It is anticipated that there will be regular movement between the two buildings, such as for IT and gym. This is particularly true for the P7 pupils in view of their responsibilities as mentors and wet-play / lunch monitors. It is hoped that the P 5- 7 pupils will benefit from increased computer time following the transition.
C. Jamieson added that there are some smaller spaces in the new building that will prove useful too.
C. McCudden asked about the current P6 and P7 classrooms and whether there would now be no double bases. C. Jamieson replied that one partitioned room had been sound-proofed and would continue to be used but that the other two partitioned rooms would be used as bases.
C. Jamieson suggested that House assemblies might be a way of bringing together children who are in different buildings. It is also hoped that children will be able to move between playgrounds at break times. He also said that there would be clerical, janitorial and catering staff in both buildings.
M-C. Darroch asked whether the gym hall in the new building is smaller and whether it would continue to be used by Glenwood. C. Jamieson replied that Glenwood would continue to use the gym hall. He added that having the extra gym space would enable pupils to have two indoor PE sessions per week and only one outdoors.
Parent Council Agenda January 2014
- Approval of minutes for 12 December 2013 meeting
- Update on transition to merged campus
- Wet play strategy
- Update on traffic / communications / playground groups
- Headteacher’s Report
Parent Council meeting- December minutes
Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 12th December 2013
Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Judy Taggart, Catriona James, Veronica Dowling, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Maureen McAlpine, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Amir Hussain, Angela Friel, Cllr Mary Montague, Cllr Ralph Robertson
Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Wallace, Cllr McAskill, Cllr Waters, P. Hessett, C. McCudden, J. McLachlan
Approval of the Minutes for the November PC Meeting
Proposed- G. Boyle
Seconded- J. Devlin
A. Hussain noted that his apologies for the November meeting had been omitted.
Update on Traffic Sub-group
B. Docherty spoke about the success of Road Safety week. St Ninian’s pupils had helped take the children on safety walks, a pedestrian crossing had been set up in the gym hall and the pupils took part in a competition to design a sign, details of which are on the school website. G. Brown will provide the money to make and install the winning sign. A parking guide, written by the junior Road Safety Officers, was also issued to parents. This is also available to view on the website.
C. Jamieson added that Cllr Montague had made inquiries about some of the traffic issues around the school but had not heard anything back. C. Jamieson had also discussed with the Clerk of Works about making some improvements but will have to approach D. Leask for funding. This work will include some tree trimming, the reprinting of old signs and the painting of new ones. The work agreed by G. Brown will likewise require funding from D. Leask.
A. Friel asked whether the changes already in place had made a noticeable difference at the drop off area. C. Jamieson replied that there had been no recent complaints on the matter.
L. Garety said that she had witnessed the situation where cars lingering in the drop off zone were preventing the buses from parking and G. Bhatti noted that people were continuing to park despite the new signs.
M. McAlpine asked whether it might be worth putting leaflets on those cars that park in the drop off area. C. Jamieson replied that perhaps the pupils could design something to be used in that manner. B. Docherty added that this had been considered before but that it was not done in view of the risk of damaging cars.
M. Moore said that because of the congestion, it was difficult not to double park, even when just dropping off children in the morning.
C. Jamieson explained that some spaces in the drop off area have been reserved for staff parking and that perhaps parents were copying this. He suggested it might be worth putting signs up to show which spaces were for staff parking. J. Taggart added that the spaces beside the staff spaces might be painted with yellow hatches rather than leaving them to look like they are spaces to be parked in.
G. Bhatti drew attention to the problem of dropping off children at a point where there is no gap to allow them to get onto the pavement. He said that in that case, parents are likely to get out of their cars to take their children to a gateway.
R. Spooner, having commended the older pupils who had been helping at the nativity plays, wondered if those older pupils could also be sent out to discourage drivers from parking where they shouldn’t, especially at busy school events. C. Jamieson said that the Junior Road Safety Officers could do that, if they were accompanied by staff.
M. McAlpine referred to the parking issues in Berryhill Drive, with cars parking on both sides of the road.
A. Friel noted that neither of the two Woodfarm car parks is very busy in the morning.
L. Garety said that there was unusual congestion on the days of the nativity plays, heightened when such events coincided with Woodfarm’s early end. J. Taggart wondered whether a text could be send to remind parents of potential problems on unusually busy days.
M. O’Reilly mentioned the problem of cars waiting around the school areas and leaving their engines running. R. Spooner added that it was illegal to do so. G. Bhatti said that this could be a risk for children playing in the cages.
Next Parent Council meeting
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Thursday 13th March at 7pm in the school. Please note this is a change of date from 27th March.
November 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Nadia Salim, Mary O’Reilly, Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Judy Taggart, Clare Bowes, Catriona James, Cllr McCaskill, Cllr Robertson, Cllr Montague, Cllr Wallace, Joe McLachlan, Veronica Dowling, Charlie Jamieson, Paula Rogers, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Christine McCudden, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Josephine McGrotty, Peter Hessett, Jo Heraghty
Callum Houston, Angela Friel, Brian Hughes, Maureen McAlpine, Karen Kelly, Lesley Garety, Gary Bhatti
Approval of the Minutes for the September PC Meeting
Proposed- J. Taggart
Seconded- P. Rogers
A. Forsyth explained that parents had not been given the required two weeks notice of the date of the PC meeting. A vote was then taken to approve the meeting taking place at short notice. Continue reading November 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Parent Council Meeting Dates
2 September
7 October
4 November
29 January
26 March
30 April
18 June
Meetings are in school at 7pm.
All parents and carers are welcome to attend any meeting
or suggest items for discussion.
October 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Anne Forsyth, Gillian Boyle, Charles Jamieson, Veronica Dowling, Mary O’Reilly, Cllr Jim Fletcher, Lesley Garety, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Catriona James, Christine McCudden, Cllr Vincent Waters, Cllr Gordon Wallace, Judy Taggart, Roger Spooner, Gerry Devenney, Joe McLachlan, Mary Moore, Callum Houston, Angela Friel, Jackie Devlin, Paula Rogers, Gary Bhatti, Amir Hussain, Peter Hessett, Cllr Ralph Robertson, Cllr Gordon McCaskill, Maureen McAlpine, Jo Heraghty, Karen Kelly, Marie-Claire Darroch, Nadia Salim
Cllr Mary Montague
Approval of the Minutes for the June PC Meeting
Proposed- G. Boyle
Seconded- C. McCudden
Update on Communications Sub-group
G. Boyle spoke about the transition to e-mail as a means of communication and about the plan to set up a Facebook page for the Parent Council. It is planned also to establish a protocol for communication between the school and the parent forum. Continue reading October 2013 Parent Council Minutes
June 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Anne Forsyth, Gillian Boyle, Charles Jamieson, Veronica Dowling, Mary O’Reilly, Cllr Jim Fletcher, Lesley Garety, Cllr Mary Montague, Sally Gallagher, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Catriona James, Margaret-Ann O’Donnell, Christine McCudden, Cllr Vincent Waters, Cllr Gordon Wallace, Judy Taggart, Roger Spooner, Gerry Devenney, Michelle Hynes, Brian Hughes
P. Hessett, Cllr Robertson, S. Jouannot, J.P. Sheridan, P. Rodgers
Minutes proposed and Seconded
Proposed- C. McCudden
Seconded- M.A. O’Donnell
Cllr Montague thanked M. O’Reilly for the comprehensive minutes taken for the PC meetings this year.
Update on Robslee Campus
An update had been received from F. Morrison. This stated that Donald Gillies has now left his post and has been replaced by Raymond O’Kane. It explained that the work proposed to join the two campuses will be carried out on a design and build contract. It was noted that the Parent Council and the school would wish to be involved in any decisions that were made in relation to this. It is envisaged that work will begin in December 2013, but preparatory ground work will begin over the summer. It is still uncertain where the council will award the contract. It was hoped that Callum Houston and Maurice Hickey, parents in the school, would be involved in the process. The link is due to be completed by August 2014. There is also uncertainty about the costing and what additional funds might be required to complete the enclosed link, which is going ahead. C. Jamieson said that he would remain in contact with F. Morrison during this process of awarding the contract and would continue to pass on the school’s input. Cllr Wallace indicated that there is money in the council’s capital budget for the link and in response to A. Forsyth’s query about the cost being in excess of the budget, he said that if that were the case extra money may be found. Continue reading June 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Parent Council November 2013 Newsletter
Dear Parent/Carer
October devotions and Rosary were very well attended throughout the month, organised by our staff Liturgy Group. Thanks to Mrs Baird, Mrs Collins and Miss Kane for leading the children during lunch times. We are now in the month of November offering our prayers as a school community for those whom we know who have died, entrusting them to God’s heavenly care. Continue reading Parent Council November 2013 Newsletter
Parent Council August 2013 Newsletter
We hope both you and your children are settling in well to the new term. The Parent Council is already getting back to working on your behalf and we look forward to hearing from you over the year:
Annual General Meeting – Thursday 19th September 7pm at school
Why not get involved?
You can only join the PC at the AGM each year so please come along then if you are interested.
You can also attend meetings without joining at any time. Continue reading Parent Council August 2013 Newsletter
Parent Council AGM
Dear Parent Forum Member,
At The Annual General Meeting of the Parent Council last year there was a significant increase of new parents, this was extremely welcome and new members have made a very valuable contribution this session (thank you!)
The constitution requires that all prospective members must attend the AGM to nominate themselves. Existing members also need to re-join every year. Continue reading Parent Council AGM
Parent Council Summer 2013 Newsletter
Another busy year! As always, we welcome your input. Contact us by email on or speak to Anne Forsyth on 07952 251303, whether it’s a quick question/comment, an item you want discussed or feedback on an issue affecting the school. Continue reading Parent Council Summer 2013 Newsletter
March 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Present Anne Forsyth, Gillian Boyle, Charles Jamieson, Veronica Dowling, Cllr Ralph Robertson, Mary O’Reilly, Joe McLachlan, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Michelle Hynes, Gary Bhatti, Brian Hughes, Jackie Devlin, Peter Hessett, Judy Taggart, David Reilly, Cllr Jim Fletcher, Elaine Holland, Clare Haveron, Julie Neil, Cllr Gordon McCaskill.
Apologies L. Garety, C. James, S. Jouannot, P. McConnell, S. Gallagher, J.P.Sheridan, M. Hickey, C. McCudden, A. Friel, Cllr Montague.
Minutes proposed and Seconded Proposed- J. McLachlan, Seconded- J. Devlin
J. Devlin spoke about changes to the school website and referred to a pupils’ page which is being constructed. It was noted that there had been some technical difficulties, but that it would be a useful source of information for parents. She thanked R. Spooner for his help.
G. Boyle mentioned the Communications sub-group in connection with this. She suggested that there should be liaison with C. Jamieson regarding the e-mail communication strategy and would look for input on improving the school handbook. It was also stated that there should be further discussion on how the school might use Facebook and Twitter and she acknowledged the improvements to the school website. C. Jamieson said that parents would need to be reminded to check e-mails as there had been some confusion over the recent non-uniform day. He noted that it is too expensive to text parents with every piece of information.
J. Devlin stated that office staff were being trained to put onto the school website any letter that is being sent out. Continue reading March 2013 Parent Council Minutes
Nearly New Uniform Sale – Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council
Tuesday 11th June – 3.10 to 4.10 pm
Please support our “nearly new” uniform sale – donate uniform you no longer need and grab a bargain to support school funds
Where and when?
In the Mensa at school pick up – 3.10 to 4.10 pm on Tuesday 11th June.
How can you donate?
All items of school uniform except blazers are welcome – there will be a separate second hand blazer sale.
Items should be
- handed into the school office by 10th June
- in good condition
- clean
- with name labels removed if possible
What will they cost?
Donations for school funds will be requested if you buy items.
Thank you for supporting the school’s ongoing efforts to consolidate uniform throughout the school and in making it as accessible as possible.
Parent Council April 2013 Newsletter
We are – again – having a busy year. As always, we welcome your input. Contact us by email on or speak to Anne Forsyth on 07952 251303, whether it’s for a quick question/comment, an item you want us to discuss at a meeting or feedback on an issue affecting the school.
We will get in touch shortly to let you know what else we have been doing on your behalf but before that, wanted to update you on integration with the Robslee campus at the beginning of the 2014/15 school year. Continue reading Parent Council April 2013 Newsletter