Parent Council August 2013 Newsletter


 We hope both you and your children are settling in well to the new term. The Parent Council is already getting back to working on your behalf and we look forward to hearing from you over the year:

 Annual General Meeting – Thursday 19th September 7pm at school
Why not get involved?

You can only join the PC at the AGM each year so please come along then if you are interested.

 You can also attend meetings without joining at any time.

 What does the Parent Council do?

  • represent the views of parents / carers
  • support the school in improving the experience of our children and
  • promote communication within the school community.

The group – mostly parents, staff and local councillors – meets around 6 times a year. Smaller sub groups push forward specific projects.
Last year, we worked on issues ranging from a guide and helpline for new parents through to uniform policy, playground development and transition to the merged campus.
We aim to keep you in touch with what is happening on the web site and in newsletters.

 Please remember however that as well as attending meetings, we want to hear your queries, comments and ideas on issues affecting our children at any time – please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

 We are looking forward to a positive and constructive year supporting the Our Lady of the Missions school community. In the meantime, we wish everyone a warm welcome back.

 Contact us as follows:

 By email:

 By phone:        Anne Forsyth Chair                 07952 251303

                        Gillian Boyle Vice Chair          07810 541250