Family Fancy Dress Hallowe’en Party

Friday 1st November’13 in OLM School Hall 7pm til 9pm

Spookily it’s that time of year already and tickets are now available for the PSA Family Hallowe’en Party.

 Tickets are priced at Adult £5, Children £2.50.

Please complete the tear off slip on the order form being sent home today with your ticket order and return to school with your payment, by Friday 4TH October 2013.  

 This is a very popular event and numbers have to be limited to fit in the school hall, so to be fair to all, tickets are allocated on a lucky dip basis.  Tickets or refunds will then be sent out the following week.                       

 You’re sure to enjoy an evening filled with Music, Games, Dancing and don’t forget there’s a prize for the best dressed family!!

 The PSA will run a tuck shop also selling Hallowe’en novelties and adults may ‘Bring Your Own Bottle’ (BYOB)!