Tag Archives: information

International Day

Would you like to create a stall displaying your family’s heritage at our International Day? It can take any form you wish – memorabilia, fun facts, flags, food tasters and of course you might wish to dress in national costumes or colours.

You can have a whole table, half a table or perhaps if there are a few families involved, you might wish to go for something bigger – it’s up to you.  Perhaps this will be a good way to meet other families who share your heritage. Who knows what friendships might result!

So far, our list of stalls includes Bolivia, Mauritius, Poland and Pakistan – we really are circling the globe – but we now have approaching 30 countries on our list so perhaps there might be a few more? Remember, Scotland is a country too!

This is of course entirely optional. If it’s not for you, don’t worry. But if you and your family might enjoy sharing a little of your culture, country or heritage in this way, please email olm-parentcouncil@btinternet.com to find out more. We can support you in pulling it together if that is helpful. Please note, commercial stalls will not be included as we want the day to be free to all.

It’s shaping up to be a fantastic day, including our Round the World Showcase, Big Picnic, Grand Parade and crafts / games. We hope you will join us!

Our International Day is really taking shape – it’s going to be a fantastic day!  As well as our “Round the World Showcase”, Big Picnic and crafts / activities, we hope to have a variety of family led displays of countries

International day – come and try sessions for performers on Thursday 

Thanks to those who have already volunteered to perform at the International Day showing an aspect of their nationality / culture. We would love to see lots

Pupils are therefore invited to come on Thursday (22nd) lunchtime to show us what they can do so that we can plan a lovely programme to entertain everyone on the day. It could be a dance, song, poem, piece of music etc related to their own or a friend’s heritage, whether solo or in

If your child wants to take part, please can you ensure they have their instruments or other equipment (if relevant) with them on

The children will be showing just a few of the organisers at school in a low key way – nothing to be nervous about – but obviously must be confident about performing in front of a bigger audience on the day. The organisers will get in touch with you once the programme has been drawn up to liaise regarding timings / any music or accompaniment requirements etc. Please note pupils will need to be able to attend the International Day (2-4.30pm Thursday 29th April) and be accompanied on the day by a friend or family

Please note

– pieces shouldn’t exceed 5 minutes if

– we may decide to combine groups eg of dancers if they are doing a similar

– we will be equally happy to enjoy performances from adults or family members – if you get in touch with olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com, the organising group can contact you to chat about what you would like to

Thank you and we look forward to enjoying the

If you have any queries, please contact olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.

Kind regards

Catherine Dillon-Ruddy
Head Teacher


P7 – St Ninian’s Induction Day

St Ninian’s Induction Day for P7’s is on Thursday 17th May.

For pupils involved in ERC Music Trip that week, a second induction date has been arranged for Thursday 24th May and we would ask their parents/carers to drop their child off at St Ninian’s at approximately 8:45am and collect them at 3pm (drop off and pick up will be inside the school in the Forum).


Dear Parents,

The run up to summer will be an exciting time for Our Lady of the Missions as we continue to be supported by the PSA and Parent Council in raising funds and holding events to bring our school community together. Here are a few highlights in the months to come. We even hope to be world record holders by summer…watch this space and save the dates! Continue reading FUNDRAISING AND DATES FOR YOUR DIARY

O2 and NSPCC – St Ninian’s 7th March 7pm

O2 and NSPCC would like to invite all parent/carers or family members to a free online safety work to be held at St Ninian’s on the 7th March 2018 at 7pm.  The content covered in the workshops is aimed at adults.  Parent with children are advised to arrange childcare if possible.

Please click on the link below and complete the form.


World Book Day – Thursday 1st March

Thursday 1st March is World Book Day.

There will be a variety of activities going on throughout the day for all stages – treasure hunts,’ Author’s Live’ from the Scottish Book Trust website, quizzes and many more exciting book related themes.  This year we are not asking the children to dress up, but instead, if any parent/carer would like to dress in character and come in to school to read to the children we would be delighted. Please contact the school if you would be happy to take part.

Thank you

Family Lenten Retreat

Family Lenten Retreat –  Sunday 11th February  3pm-4.30pm  @ St Joseph’s Church Hall
You and your family are warmly invited to a short Lenten Retreat at St Joseph’s Church hall.
Please join us as we offer some prayerful and practical ideas for families to enjoy a more meaningful Lenten period.
Teas/Coffee, cakes and biscuits will be available. (Lent won’t have started)
Please let us know if you would like to attend by emailingparentsinprayer@stjosephs.co or text 07528655783. Please confirm number of children and age ranges. Thank you .