Tag Archives: Pupils

Scotland Lacrosse

Huge congratulations to Iain Dunlop, Johny Shaw, Josh Gray and ex-pupil Kevin Archer who have made the 2012 Scotland Junior Squad after 8 hours of lacrosse and 2 hours of fitness testing last weekend. These players will be competing in the British National Championships in Manchester come March.  Depending on performance and fitness these players may make the cut to play in the World Championships which will be held in Finland in the summer.

An honourable mention goes out to Matthew Hill who, as well as being selected for the Junior Squad fixtures above, has also been shortlisted for the Men’s Senior Squad who will be competing in the Senior European Championships in Amsterdam in July.

World Book Day S1 Event

Reminder to all S1 pupils that the World Book Day Event takes place on Wednesday 29 February during P5 and P6.

We would like all S1 pupils to dress up as a character from a book/comic/graphic novel or film/TV adaptation and take part in the fancy dress competition and Big Book House Quiz.

Pupils should not wear their costumes to school in the morning – costumes can be left in the library before school starts and picked up again at lunchtime.