Tag Archives: Pupils

Meet Author Sophie McKenzie

Miss McEachern is organising a trip to meet famous author Sophie McKenzie on Thursday 12th September at Williamwood High School.

Sophie McKenzie is a very popular author in MCHS library and her books include “Girl Missing”, “Sister Missing”, Blood Ties and the Medusa Project series. Sophie will be launching her new book “Split Second” at the event in Williamwood and you could be there to meet her, listen to her talk about her books and get your own book(s) signed. It is a fantastic opportunity for any fans of her work.

Miss McEachern has 45 places on the trip and it is open to pupils from all year groups – so see Miss McEachern as soon as possible to book your place!

Jonathan’s epic cycle challenge

Jonathan Hanna, who is in our S6,  is to cycle coast to coast across America in just 30 days.  He hopes to cover an average of 100 miles a day.

He will be joined on his gruelling 2900-mile challenge by dad Gavin.

They will be cycling every day, with just two emergency days in reserve in case of breakdown.

Cycle USA - July 2013

And there is no support crew following behind – Jonathan and Gavin will be carrying all their gear themselves on the bikes.

This includes camping equipment, as they are planning to camp out as much as possible.

They will be raising money for Scottish charity the Vine Trust, which is currently equipping a medical ship to send to Africa.

The epic USA trek starts in Los Angeles before heading through southern California and into Arizona where Jonathan and Gavin will make a 35-mile detour to cycle alongside the Grand Canyon.

Next they’ll cross the desert to Colorado where they will cycle over the Rockies, scaling the highest point in their journey at 10,857ft.

Then it’s down into Kansas and through Tornado Alley before crossing another seven states, including Washington DC. End of the very long road will be Annapolis in Maryland.

Jonathan and his dad have a fundraising target of £5000 and have already raised £2000.

The Vine Trust is equipping its latest medical ship in Greenock, from where it will be sent to Lake Victoria in Tanzania to deliver medical and dental aid to isolated communities.

Click here to follow Jonathan and his dad’s adventure on their blog.

S6 Young Sports Ambassadors

Last year Jamie Laird and Laura McCracken were successful in their interviews for Young Sports Ambassador.  Over the year they have been working hard to increase physical activity within the school by organising and running clubs.  It has been a great opportunity for them to show their leadership qualities as well as their initiative in taking new ideas forwards and has enhanced their CVs too.

If this is something that you are interested in, please meet Mr Giles in the Old Gym at 10:30am on Monday 17th June.