Tag Archives: Parents

PTA Quiz Night

The PTA are holding a quiz night on Friday 11th May starting at 7:30pm.  They are still welcoming teams (a maximum of six in a team) to enter the quiz.  The cost to enter is is £5 per person.

Food and refreshments will be available on the night.

Entry forms are available for the school office or Mr Sorley.

So come along and support your PTA and school and have some fun as well!

Event for Parents of Children with Additional Support Needs

On the morning of Saturday, 26 May 2012 in Isobel Mair School there will be an event for Parents of Children with Additional Support Needs.

Parents will be able to chose two workshops from a choice of four and there will be representation forom a number of agencies involved in the support of parents and children.

More information will be available after the spring break.