Tag Archives: Parents

Parents and pupils experiences of learning or teaching of languages in primary schools

An inquiry into the teaching of foreign languages in primary schools has been launched by the European and External Relations (EER) Committee of the Scottish Parliament.

 The Committee would welcome views from parents, teachers and pupils for its inquiry on their experiences of learning or teaching of languages in primary schools. More information on how to send views to the Committee is available on the Committee’s website at:


 Earlier this year, the Scottish Government recommended that children should learn a second language from Primary 1 and that learning of a third language should start no later than Primary 5. The EER Committee has determined that it wants to look at this policy aim, the capacity within the curriculum for this, and the role of languages in supporting the economy.

 Issues to be explored in the Committee’s investigations include funding (including use of EU funds); the skills base and teaching resources available for language tuition; the capacity within the curriculum to accommodate greater language study; the choice of languages for teaching; and the role of languages in economic development.

The European and External Relations Committee

Internet safety – Advice for Parents

Education Scotland have put together advice and support for parents on the use of the internet and social media.

“Although there is a lot of information available about the dangers of the internet, the language can be confusing if you aren’t familiar with it. The information on this page will help you understand some of the issues in more detail and also direct you to other sources of online information if you have further questions or concerns”.

Click here to see the advice

S3 Vaccinations – DTP ( Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio)

These vaccinations will be taking place for ALL S3 pupils on Monday 28th January.

Pupils have already received an information letter for  parents and a consent form which should be completed and returned to the Blue Boxes as soon as possible in the brown envelopes provided. These should be marked for the attention of the school nurse.

Heather Murphy, our school nurse, will also share further information with pupils on Friday 18th January during English classes period 3. Pupils should go to class as normal and you will then be escorted to the Main Theatre to hear Heather’s presentation.

Further information about arrangements for 28th January will be shared with pupils at the assembly on Friday.