Tag Archives: information

East Renfrewshire Disability Action (ERDA)

East Renfrewshire Disability Action (ERDA)  were launched at the Barriers & Bridges Community Conference event in March 2011 and exist as a local disability organisation to raise the issues and concerns of disabled people at a local and national level and to challenge policies and decisions which maintain and reinforce the social, physical, attitudinal, cultural and economic barriers that prevent disabled people taking up their rightful role as full and equal citizens. The organisation is always on the look-out for new members both disabled and able bodied.  For more information, please e-mail  enquiries@erda.org.uk or the website at www.erda.org.uk.


Got Your Exam Results…

For pupils needing exam results help Skills Development Scotland (SDS) have a number of you to contact – 0808 100 8000.

Lots of help and advice on the SDS  mywow website  –http://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/section/just-got-your-results

Lastly –locally SDS are running drop-ins at The Edge (attached to Fairweather Hall) on Wednesday 5th August and Thursday 6th August 1.30-3.30pm .
