Tag Archives: Eco

Green-Flag Award

Congratulations to all pupils – Mearns Castle has been awarded a second Green Flag Award!

This award is a reflection of the work carried out in a number of areas in the school related to litter reduction, waste minimisation and generally being eco-friendly.

A particular thanks to the Eco-Committee who worked hard to complete the application form and carry out a variety of jobs every year including an environmental review of the school.

New members are always welcome to join the Eco-Committee who meet Monday lunchtimes in Science lab A8.

Keep Scotland Beautiful,

You can help to keep Scotland beautiful…… and it will only take you 30 seconds to do so.

Keep Scotland Beautiful, our Ecoschools Green Flag partner and Scotland’s national environmental charity has been shortlisted as the potential charity partner for Tesco’s carrier bag money in Scotland. (The charge becomes enforceable in Scotland from October of this year)

Tesco are conducting a public vote through their website on the charity that should benefit from their carrier bag charge proceeds in Scotland – and Keep Scotland Beautiful is the only Scottish charity to make the final shortlist. Up to £1m is available and it will go to the organisation that polls the most votes.

It is easy to provide your support. All you need to do is click on the link below and cast your vote.

Please help us win the vote: vote for Keep Scotland Beautiful at www.tescoplc.com/bagyourvote

The vote is open until Friday 22nd August, and the result will be declared the following week. We believe it’s very important that a Scottish charity wins, and we hope you agree!

S1 Litter Pick

A reminder to all S1 pupils that volunteered for the litter pick (and have returned their consent form) that the litter pick is this Wednesday periods 5 and 6. All pupils involved should meet at the entrance to the school promptly at the start of period 5. You DO NOT need to register for your period 5 class. Pupils must be in full school uniform.

If the weather is rubbish it will be permitted for pupils to wear an outdoor jacket and appropriate boots/wellies, however, these must only be worn during the litter pick and not for the rest of the school day.

Thank you for helping to keep our school grounds and local community beautiful!

Bin it to Win it!

Congratulations to the following pupils who won prizes during the Eco-Committee Bin it to Win it event

  • Samayah Rafique S2 (Ramsay)
  • Lisa Miller S1 (Ramsay)
  • Ben Mundie S3 (Ramsay)
  • Steven Blair S2 (Balmoral)
  • Niamh McInnes S2 (Sutherland)
  • Craig Bennett S1 (Balmoral)
  • Emily Wong S1 (Wallace)
  • Eilidh Lindsay S6 (wallace)

Thank you for putting your rubbish in the bins.  250 million items of litter are dropped in Scotland each year!

Bin it to Win it!

During the week commencing Monday 31st March pupil will have an opportunity to win a queue skip for the open area/dining hall, 5 house points AND an extra treat!

All you have to do is make sure that you put any of your rubbish in one of the many bins.

Members of the Eco-Committee will be selecting a bin and a number at random and if you put your rubbish in the bin at a particular time you will win the prizes. Good luck!

Eco Committee

A reminder to all pupils that the Eco Committee meets on Monday lunchtimes at 12:30 in room A8.

We’d love to see new members and it’d be great if we could represent all year groups. This year we will mainly be focussing on recycling, litter, saving energy and the possibility of an eco-garden.

Come along on Monday if you’d like to join or just want to find out a bit more about what’s involved.


Any pupil interested  in becoming part of the Mearns Castle Eco-Committee should attend a short meeting in Science Lab A8 on Monday 09 Sept during lunch at 12:30.

 We are looking for new and previous members from across all year groups. Come along to find out how you can help our school become more eco-friendly!

S2 ECO Event Thursday 11th October

The S2 Eco Event is fast approaching!  In order for the event to be a success we rely on pupils to collect recyclable materials which will be used on the day.

Could pupils start to bring in recyclable materials to Mr Wyroslawski in D18.  There are points available for the houses that bring in the most stuff!

The more unusual the better but please ensure all plastics are washed first. ANYTHING THAT COULD BE RECYCLED IS ACCEPTED.

When you contribute you will be awarded with a tally mark on the Snow Leopard Salvage Screen… the house with the most tally marks may even be rewarded with a baby snow leopard.