Tag Archives: Curriculum

S3 Curriculum Evening

On Tuesday 30th October 2012, we have organised an S3 Curriculum Evening to give information and advice to parents about the support you can give to your son/daughter at this stage in their education.

The meeting will commence at 7.00 pm in the Theatre and last approximately 1 hour. The evening aims to provide parents with a greater understanding of what is involved in NQ courses, what is expected of the pupils and how parents can help their son / daughter to achieve their best.

Click here to read the letter sent home about the evening.

New National Qualifications

Members of our parent Council felt that it would be helpful for parents if we made information on the new National Qualifications available 

The first year group in Mearns Castle to be involved in the new National Qualifications is the current S2 who will sit SQA exams in these subjects in May 2015. More information on the new National Qualifications will be shared with parents of S2 pupils later in the session as part of our S2 Options Choice programme.

For the latest information on the new National Qualifications please click here.

Dean Smith
Head Teacher

S4/S5/S6 – Business Management and Administration Pupils

Working lunch will still be running for pupils taking Business Management and Administration. 

Please come to Miss Lal’s room (B14) and bring your lunch to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The working lunch will allow you to build upon your ICT skills and knowledge and evaluate your literacy skills by having a choice of varied tasks, activities and resources to work from.