Category Archives: exams

N4/N5 Assessment Calendar

Our new N4/N5 assessment calendar is designed to support both pupils and parents with their planning and organisation throughout S3 and S4. Every subject is included in the calendar along with approximate timings for all SQA National Unit Assessments, Assignments and Added Value Units. It does not include informal class testing that takes place on a regular basis.

Please note the following when using this calendar;

  1. The timings are only an approximate guide for learners and should be viewed as such. Pupils should establish exact dates with teachers in the run up to any assessments and use their log books accordingly.
  2. The bulk of assessments will be found within the S4 calendar section. This is to allow sufficient depth of learning to take place as well as allowing as long as possible to develop the range of skills required in individual subjects.

We hope that you find this calendar useful in supporting your child to establish effective planning and organisation strategies throughout this stage of their learning.

Click here to view S3 SQA assessment calendar
Click here to view S4 SQA assessment calendar
Click here to view letter to parents


ERC Schools Athletics Championships – 2nd June

A massive congratulations to all of the pupils who represented the school at ERC Athletics Championships on Tuesday 2nd June at Linwood On-X. All 45 athletes did really well and many won medals – a list of medal winners will be shared at the forthcoming house assemblies. If any athlete did not receive a medal but finished in top three in the final then please see Mr Murphy in PE Dept immediately.

Some athletes may be selected to represent East Renfrewshire at the forthcoming Inter-Authority Athletics due to be held on 16th June.

Scottish Schools Team Swimming Championships

Any pupil who would be interested in competing in the Scottish Schools Team Swimming Championships MUST attend a short meeting with Mr Murphy on Tuesday 5th May in the Old Gym at interval.

The Championships are due to take place on WEDNESDAY 17TH JUNE 2015. These will be held in TOLLCROSS LEISURE CENTRE. All relays will be 4x50m.

Swimmers may compete in the Freestyle and/or Medley events for their own school year.