Category Archives: competition

Brebras Computing Challenge

The Brebras Computing Challenge introduces computational thinking to students. It is organised in over 50 countries and designed to get students all over the world excited about computing.

This involved pupils in using a set of problem solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programmes and apps.

Some of our pupils demonstrated some excellent skills, so much so that they have achieved Gold Awards, meaning that they scored in the top 10% of all participants nationally!

A fantastic achievement!

Well done to:

Dylan (S1)
Namit (S1)
Ewan (S1)
Arran (S2)
Leon (S2)
Ruaridh (S2)

Calling on all Secondary School aged Students

Our friends at the School of Science and Engineering at the University of Dundee are running their annual STEM poster competition aimed at primary and secondary school students.

If your pupils are looking for a STEM challenge, then maybe they’d like to get creative and submit an entry (there are Amazon vouchers as prizes in each category!). The topic this year is “The Future of STEM”

Click here for full details

SATH essay competition

With thanks from Scran at Historic Environment Scotland, National Museums Scotland and Bright Red Publishing, SATH are delighted to announce a new historical essay challenge for students.

The rules:

Students can choose from one of the following two topics:

  1. Lockdown – What should we choose to remember for future historians to learn about the current
  2. Local History – How has your local area changed over time? OR. How has conflict changed your local area? OR. Who is a local hero that deserves wider recognition within Scotland?

Word limits per age group:

11-12 years of age – maximum 250 words

13-15 years of age – 250 – 500 words

16-18 years of age – 500- 1000 words

Entries must contain the following information; Full name, Age, School (or college) and contact email address

The prizes:

There will be small prizes for the two chosen winners of each category. The winners of the first two categories will get goody bags from the National Museums Scotland (when it reopens!), the 13-15 years category will be given a National 5 History Scotland Study book by Bright Red Publishing, and the winners of the 16-18 years category will receive one of the Historic Environment Scotland’s books from its National Collection of Aerial Photography.



All entries should be submitted to by June 26th 2020. Winners will be notified by email by no later than 24th August 2020.