Category Archives: Communication

School Social Media Accounts

Did you know that some of our departments and clubs have their own twitter accounts?

Follow along for updates and pupil work:

Subject/Faculty/School Area Twitter Account
Main School Account @mearnshigh
Performing Arts (Drama & Music) @MCHSP_Arts
Debating @MCHSDebating
Design (Art & Design, Design & Technology) @MCHSDesign
Extra-Curricular Clubs @MCHSClubs
Maths @MCHSMathsDept
Modern Languages @MCHSModLang
Pastoral Support @MCHSPastoral
Personal Development @MCHS_PD
RMPS (Religious, Moral & Philosophical Education) @MCHS_RMPS
Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics) @MCHS_Science
Law Society @MCHSLawSociety