All posts by Mr Phillips

Art & Design Trip to Millport

The Art Department organised a weekend long trip to Millport for S5 and S6 pupils.  Whilst there, pupils had the opportunity to work in a studio environment and were able to explore a variety of printing techniques.  The weekend was a huge success.  Well done to all pupils involved.


SCHOLAR online sessions

SCHOLAR online sessions for next week will be:

Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages

Tuesday 27th September 6.00pm

Full details can be found on the SCHOLAR website:

 Look out for the new English homework sessions coming soon. The first National 5 English session will be on Tuesday 4th October at 6pm. There are also now English courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level


New S1

Monday is fast approaching. We hope you are ready and looking forward to an exciting time at Mearns Castle. When you arrive on Monday remember to go straight to the Main Theatre for a welcome presentation from the Headteacher.