All posts by Mr Cardoo

House competition

You may have noticed a few signs that spring is on its way. The days are getting a little longer, you may even have noticed spring flowers starting to poke through in the garden or in the park. These are promising signs of the end of what has surely been a long and difficult winter!

Let’s see if you can capture some of these signs of spring in a photograph!

We will run a House competition from now until Sunday 14 March during which we would like you to pay attention when you are out for your much needed daily walk. Look around you for an image that could capture ‘Spring‘ and upload your picture to the One Drive folder below:

upload here

Please save your images with the file name: First Name_Surname_Year Group (for example Sam_Smith_S1)

At the closing date your House Captains will collect images taken by members of their house to create an i-movie so that Mr. Clark can judge the best collective House effort, as well as judging the top 3 individual photos.

There will be House Points up for grabs for the top 3 individual photographs and also for the best collective House i-movie.

Good Luck!

GCU events to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week 21

Below is a list of events to choose from –

Tuesday, 2nd March from 10 -11am, join us to hear from our Computing team, and hear from our industry partners from Lloyds Banking Group and CGI and their talented students – in fact Chloe Gallacher, a GA finalist for SDS awards 2020 will also be there! We’ll be focusing on our GAs in BSc Hons Software Development for Business, BSc Hons Cyber Security and MSc Cyber Security. Please register below:

Wednesday, 3rd March 10 -11am, join is to hear from our Business Management team and hear from ACS Clothing and The Student Loans Company, one of our students is an employer too, so a unique story to share! We will focus on our very successful and established GA BA Hons Business and Management programme. Please register below:

Wednesday, 3rd March, 2 – 3pm, join us to hear from our Engineering team and hear from Oil States Industries – we will be joined by a GA Alumni who achieved a 1st Class Honours with us in November last year. We will focus on our established GA BEng Hons Engineering (Design and Manufacture) programme. Please register below:

Friday, 5th March from 12 -1pm, join us to hear from our academic experts and our industry partners, McLaughlin and Harvey and AECOM and their amazing students. We’ll be focusing on the benefits of our GAs in BSc Hons Civil Engineering and BSc Hons Construction and the Built Environment (QS) – please register below:


Supporting Children and Young People in Challenging Times

East Renfrewshire Educational Psychology Service is delivering three online one-hour parents’ sessions in March. The aim of these will be to explore how Covid has affected how children and young people think, feel and behave, and to discuss ways that you can support your child through the current challenges. The sessions will refer to our Healthier minds website and resources ( and will involve input from partners across East Renfrewshire who support children and young people’s mental wellbeing.

For full details including sessions and how to join click here.

Modern Languages Culture Magazine – Issue 12 out now!

This issue of the magazine includes celebrations from different countries, that take place around the start of the year and near Spring time. You will also find some songs, recipes and activities in various languages.

The names of the winners of the S1 and S2 competition ‘Write a recipe in French’ are also revealed!

Happy reading,

Mme Parisot

on behalf of the Language Ambassadors

Culture Magazine – Issue 12