Tag Archives: Lamba

Welly Waddle Fundraising Event

All parents should have been given an information letter and accompanying sponsor form this week.

If not, please collect from the front desk in our foyer.

For more information on our Welly Waddle plans please click below:

WellyWaddle Sponsor Letter

Welly Waddle Sponsor Form

Settling In

All returning children are now back with us and are settling back in to the nursery routine.

Our new children, for the most part joined us last week and they are being supported by staff on a daily basis as required to ensure quick and secure settling.

More new children are due to start over the coming weeks.

For all parents and carers – we ask that if you have any queries, comments or concerns about settling your child in to the Family Centre (or any other general queries) please come and ask.

Although you will quickly come to see the nursery is a very busy place we ALWAYS have time to speak to you.

Our door is always open!


School and



Rely on

Each other

Quick Reminder

Our Family Centre will be closed on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th August for In-Service Training Days.

All children should return on Wednesday 13th August  at the appropriate time (remembering new opening hours!) i.e.

Early Wrap: 7.35am

Morning Session: 8.35am (not 8.45am as previous)

Afternoon Session: 12.45

Many Thanks.

If you are unsure about our new opening hours please contact the Family Centre on 0141 570 7615.

New Opening Hours

We would like to remind all our parents and carers that following our consultation period our hours upon return on August 13th will be as follows:

Early Morning Wraparound: 7.35am – 8.35am

Morning Session: 8.35am – 11.45am

Lunch Wraparound: 11.45 – 12.45pm

Afternoon Session: 12.45 – 3.55pm

Late Wraparound – 1 hour: 3.55 – 4.55pm or 2 hours: 3.55 – 5.55pm

Parents and carers are kindly reminded that these hours should be STRICTLY adhered to. Late coming and late collections will be monitored closely and you may be charged for continual late collection.


Come and help on BIG DAY DAY!

Children attending Isobel Mair Family Centre have access to a variety of outdoor spaces including the large playground with hill and forest area, pirate ship, sensory garden, outdoor atrium and adventure trail.

Children love to play and learn outdoors and the spaces we create and use can help to support children’s play in so many ways…….from helping children to be creative and expressive to helping support problem solving and risk analysis.

Our outdoor area is already really good, however…..we want it to be excellent!

For this to happen we need YOU to help!

Come along to our BIG DIG DAY on Tuesday 17th June.

Bring any unwanted seeds, bulbs, bedding plants or compost, spare fencing, unused patio slabs or gardening tools.


Just bring yourself!

The more the merrier…..remember, this is your children’s play space!

Let’s make it the best it can be.

Isobel Mair Family Centre Graduation Celebration

Tonight we will host our 3rd annual Graduation Ceremony for all pre school children leaving to move on to Primary School come August.

You should have received your invitation by now but if not click below:

Graduation Invite

Please come along to the Family Centre door; the children will make their way to the Cara playroom and parents, family and friends will be escorted along to the MOD.

Some parent’s have asked how many family members are allowed to attend tonight. We have use of IMS MOD (gym hall) tonight therefore we are not required to place a limit on numbers attending.

We look forward to seeing you tonight and joining you in celebrating your child’s achievements.