Category Archives: Balta

25 Days of Kindness

Our ’25 Days of Kindness’ has drawn to a close today after 5 weeks of planning and implementation. The children have had a truly wonderful learning experience and can readily share their learning about the importance of giving to others.

Children have had opportunities throughout this time to talk about children and their families who may not have enough food to sustain them. The children have discovered this is true for our neighbours in East Renfrewshire as well as for children and families in far away countries.

Thank you so much for your support in this learning experience. Here are some photographs of the children delivering the items to St. Andrews Church Foodbank in Barrhead.





Welly Waddle

We had a FANTASTIC waddle on Friday morning and again on Friday afternoon. We asked for your views and listened by hosting two waddles! One in Eastwood Park for those who preferred a more woodland waddle and one in and around the school and family centre for those who preferred a local waddle! The children certainly enjoyed their waddle – or as they renamed it – their ‘Wibble Wobble Welly Waddle!’ Some excellent literacy with your alliteration boys and girls!

We are now gathering in sponsor money following our waddle. Some parents have asked if it is okay to make a donation rather than sponsorship. This is completely fine and we are glad of all donations. All money raised from this event will go into our Toy Fund to help cover the costs of Christmas i.e. Nativity costumes, cost of children’s gifts etc!

Welly Waddle

A letter went out recently asking for you to share your views on the best way to host our upcoming sponsored Welly Waddle fundraiser.

From the 68 letters than went out to parents, we had a total of 15 return slips with mixed responses.

6 parents said they would prefer the waddle to take place at Eastwood Park and were happy to meet there.

4 parents said they would prefer the waddle to take place in and around Isobel Mair School and Family Centre grounds.

3 parents said they would love to attend but had no preference to where the waddle takes place.

2 parents said they did not want to attend and therefore did not state where to waddle.

Following some discussion with staff it has been decided that we will offer both waddles!

Colette and Joanne or Donna will be at the car park at Eastwood Park at 10.30am and again at 2pm to meet children and parents ready for the park waddle. If you decide to waddle in the park you MUST stay with your child for the duration. Please bring along a small snack for your child too. Siblings and other family members are welcome to waddle along too!

All other staff will be waddling in and around the school and family centre grounds. Please come along and join us if you can!

Rainy Play


Graduation Celebration 2016

Our children performed brilliantly during our Graduation Celebration this evening!

Thank you to all our children, parents, families and friends for coming along and making the night so special.

Thank you also to the playroom staff who work so hard to prepare for our Graduation Celebration!

We hope you had a great time! Here are a few photos from tonight. Please feel free to leave a comment below to let us know if you enjoyed our celebrations.

 If you have any photos please Tweet them to us @IsobelMairFC

Many Thanks


Izzy Bizzy Children!

Here are a few photo’s of our very busy Izzy Mair children!