School House System
The school operates a House System which helps to unite Giffnock Primary through learning and activities centered around our school values. There are four houses:
New Captains are elected for each new session with pupils organising their own election campaigns, complete with manifestos and a public hustings.
Our 2023-24 House Captains:
House System
Pupils earn house points throughout the week with the weekly winner announced round the classes on Friday mornings. These points can be earned in class and through the wider school. Points cannot be taken away once they have been earned.
The House that collects the most House points throughout the week now earn 10 minutes extra playtime on a Friday. At the end of the year the winning House will be rewarded with a special event to celebrate their success.
Various House Challenges take place throughout the school session and termly House Meetings, which are led by our Captains, are used to organise these and share other important information.
Our House Challenges are planned and implemented by our Captains and have included, for example House Quizzes, design challenges and sporting events.