At Giffnock, we want to promote and recognise a wide range of our children’s achievements. We aim to foster and support the development of vital aspects of Health & Wellbeing, such as self-esteem and confidence, through doing so.

Every child in our school has their own ‘Learning Profile’ and we use an online, digital learning tool called ‘SeeSaw’ for this. Our children are able to regularly celebrate and mark their progress and learning. Home and school can access these profiles and learning is regularly evaluated in order to help children to increasingly plan their next steps and targets.

A related aspect of celebrating progress and achievement is our ‘Awesome Achievers’ system. During session 2024-25, these achievements will become part of each child’s Learning Profile.

A further aspect are our School Values Assemblies. Throughout the year, our children can be nominated for a School Values award – either a certificate or sticker which is given to the child in order to celebrate their character and approach to school life.

We hope that the following information is helpful in providing further detail on these aspects of school life:

Achievement and Progress at Giffnock Primary

These practices are designed to allow home and school to work alongside one another, in supporting and celebrating our children’s progress. Thank you in advance.