Our Sports Committee 2023-24:
Candidates stand for election from their class.
You can find out more from this leaflet:
Over the last few sessions at Giffnock Primary, a great deal of effort has gone into developing a wide range of sporting activities and opportunities for our children, both during and outside of school hours. These experiences have been led and supported by a range of members of our school community, including staff, children, parents and colleagues from Active Schools. In the promotion of our children’s health and wellbeing, these opportunities are of great significance.
In order to formally recognise this, we recently applied to SportScotland with regard to the School Sport Awards that they can grant. These are awarded on the basis of an appraisal of how well the school affords children such sporting opportunities and schools are required to clearly evidence their practice when they apply. Schools can be awarded a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award.
On the basis of their appraisal, Giffnock Primary School has been awarded a SportScotland Gold School Sport Award. This is a very significant recognition of all that the school community does to promote sport and provide opportunities for our children to engage in active and healthy lifestyles.
On December 5th Giffnock 2016 was presented with its Gold Award flag at a whole school and community assembly. We had a number of invited guests, including teachers and pupils from our cluster schools. The flag was presented by former Glasgow Warriors player, James Eddie.

What is the School Sport Award?
The SportScotland School Sport Award is a national Lottery funded initiative designed to encourage schools to continuously improve physical education (PE) and school sport opportunities. The SportScotland School Sport Award:
- Encourages schools to self-reflect and continuously improve
- Puts young people at the forefront of the decision making and planning of PE and sport in their school
- Helps schools to increase young people’s opportunities and engagement in PE & school sport
- Helps schools to put PE & school sport at the heart of their planning, practice and ethos
- Recognises and celebrates successful PE & school sport models
During the last session, we retained our Gold Award status, the highest available.
Article 31 (Leisure, play and culture): Children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other recreational activities.