Skills for Learning Life and Work are a vital aspect of the curriculum. Alongside learning about particular skills and knowledge about subject areas (for example, spelling rules or multiplication), our children will develop a range of skills such as Leadership, Management and Creativity. In our Woodfarm Cluster of schools (Giffnock Primary, Braidbar Primary, Thornliebank Primary and Woodfarm High School), a common set of these skills has been agreed helping with the progressive development of them through into high school.
Woodfarm High School Cluster Skills Framework
Our children will regularly reflect upon and evaluate all of their learning and we have a whole school system in place for helping to develop their use of increasingly evaluative and successful language to articulate their own learning. Evaluating how well this range of skills is developing (sometimes called ‘profiling’), including ones like Leadership or Management, is a vital aspect of being a successful learner.
Concepts such as citizenship, enterprise, creativity and financial education may be included as discrete subjects, taught within the context of another area of the curriculum or simply by the approach and styles of learning and teaching. Learning is planned in order to encourage links with other areas of the curriculum to provide learners with a deeper, more enjoyable and active experience.
Where possible, links with the local community and businesses will be fostered. We have an extensive parental database which our class teachers draw upon to support and enhance learning experiences and we have also used it to support ‘careers fairs’ for our children.