A ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ is the broad name for the curriculum in all Scottish schools and provides a foundation to the learning and teaching for all 3 to 18 year olds.  It aims to help prepare children and young people with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need in a fast changing world.

At the centre of the Curriculum for Excellence lies four key priorities (the four ‘capacities’): to help every child become a successful learner; confident individual; responsible citizen; and an effective contributor (see below for more detail).  The curriculum is organised in eight core curricular areas, though these areas are not aimed to be learned in ‘discreet’ themes but rather in meaningful and relevant ways for our children. This means that learning and teaching and is often organised in ‘inter-disciplinary’ ways, using engaging, motivating contexts within which to develop skills and understanding. In each curricular area, there a broad range of ‘experiences and outcomes’ which our children’s learning focuses upon, ranging from Early Level in our Nursery Class through to Second/ Third Level in our P5-7 classes. The ‘experiences and outcomes’ from a ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ are progressive and continuous.

We have created a simple parent overview to help understand the Levels and teacher assessment of them, alongside a link below to more information from Education Scotland:

Curriculum for Excellence Levels Parent Information

Curriculum for Excellence Levels

Alongside these curricular ‘experiences and outcomes’ are a range of other, critical aspects of our curriculum. For our example, preparing our children for future careers and ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ of tomorrow, through focusing upon ‘Skills for Learning, Life and Work’ is an especially important aspect.

The curriculum at Giffnock Primary will have many similarities to other schools, however our curriculum (and our ‘Curriculum Rationale’) ought to be particular to us. During the last three sessions we have collaboratively developed our ‘Vision for Our Children’, which is the overall Curriculum Rationale for learning at Giffnock Primary School. It is represented by the infographic, ‘sketch note’ on the home page of our website which is used across our school and classrooms as a frame of reference for all learning. Our ‘Vision for Our Children’ encompasses all aspects of the Curriculum for Excellence, including all of the familiar subject areas such as Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Expressive Arts, etc.

Successful Learners:

  • Use literacy, communication and numeracy skills
  • Use technology for learning
  • Think creatively and independently
  • Learn independently and as part of a group
  • Make reasoned evaluations
  • Link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations

Confident Individuals:

  • Relate to others and manage themselves
  • Pursue a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Are self aware
  • Develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world
  • Live as independently as they can
  • Assess risk and take informed decisions
  • Achieve success in different areas of activity

Responsible Citizens:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it
  • Understand different beliefs and cultures
  • Make informed choices and decisions
  • Evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues
  • Develop informed, ethical views of complex issues

Effective Contributors:

  • Communicate in different ways and in different settings
  • Work in partnership and teams
  • Take the initiative and lead
  • Apply critical thinking in new contexts
  • Create and develop
  • Solve problems