We hope you enjoy reading our October Newsletter
Author: Mr Lawson
Wear Odd Socks Day – mon 13th November
Dyslexia Awareness Week
Activities around the school this week are beginning in support of our awareness raising. the link below may be of interest to all our school community:
Giffnock Talent Show!
Our House and Vice-Captains let all of the school know on Friday about their plans for our next House Challenge – a Talent Show! All children are invited to take part – just prepare an act/ ‘turn’ and be ready for class auditions on the week beginning 20th November. See the flier that the House and Vice-Captains have designed below and our October Newsletter for more information.
September 2017 Newsletter
Our September Newsletter is now available through the following link which will give you a great overview of many aspects of learning at Giffnock so far this session:
Coffee and Chat
As part of our ongoing developments in how to involve and engage our families in their children’s learning, please see the flier below reagrding our ‘Coffee and Chat’ times in the Family Room.
Coffee and Chat Parental Engagement Flier Term 1 2017-18
Assembly Dates Aug – Oct 2017
Please find these for the relevant classes below:
Woodfarm High Learning Festival September 7th
Woodfarm High School, our main cluster high school, are inviting all P5-7 parents to their Learning Festival on Thursday 7th September from 4.30-6pm. A range of learning experiences will be showcased and this will be a great time to learn more about the transition to high school. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Our August 2017 Newsletter
We are pleased to share our August 2017 Newsletter which has a wide range of important information for the start of term:
P7 Residential Excursion information Eveneing Tuesday 29th August 6.30pm
For all P7 families, we hope to see you there:
Lockerbie 2018 Parents Information Evening letter jun17
Meet the Teacher Wednesday 30th August 2017
Parental Calendar of Events 2017-18
We have updated the calendar of events on our website, which you can access through the ‘calendar’ image on the home page or through the ‘Information’ tab.
The calendar will be updated regularly throughout the session and we hope that this will provide a useful means for you to plan ahead and be aware of significant activities.
Welcome back to Session 2017-18!
A very warm welcome back to Giffnock Primary and the start of the new school year. A special mention must go to all of the new members of our Giffnock Family, not least our resplendent new Primary 1’s!
There has been a lovely buzz around the school today, from the playground at the start of the day onwards, and we are delighted to be back together, looking forward to the year ahead.
Sports Day is on
The forecast is to brighten from mid morning and, having checked the area at Huntly Park, whilst the grass is wet the ground is not sodden. So Sports Day is on and we will make the very best of it! Bring a plastic bag to sit on.
Rights Respecting Schools Committee and Mary’s Meals
We were delighted to invite Liz from Mary’s Meals to one of our assemblies in May. She informed us about the vital work Mary’s Meals carry out in African countries and how a backpack filled with different items can change a child’s life.
We have agreed to take part in the ‘backpack’ and ‘pennies in a bottle’ projects. Our Rights Respecting Committee have been planning the event and all of the details are available through the link below. Participation is of course entirely optional:
Marys Meals Backpack and Pennies in a Bottle June 2017
Diabetes UK – Dress in Denim Day Monday 26th June
On Monday 26th June we will be supporting Diabetes UK by taking part in their ‘Denim for Diabetes’ initiative. On that day, children are welcome to come to school ‘dressed in denim’ (this could be a pair of jeans for example alongside the rest of their normal uniform). We will be having a short assembly that afternoon aimed at further raising awareness about Diabetes.
SuperStan School Show Trailer
Have a look below to see the trailer for our 2017 Giffnock Primary School Show – ‘The Amazing Adventures of SuperStan’. Tickets go on sale on Monday 22ndMay!
Digital Learning Week and free access to Microsoft 365
During the week beginning Monday 15th May, Giffnock Primary will be supporting the national ‘Digital Learning Week’ initiative. The aim is to promote digital learning through encouraging our children to try new forms of digital technology. Some of our children have put together this promotional ‘video’ using a tellagami app on the iPads. Look out for tweets during the week on our school twitter feeds to find out what our classes are getting up to.
We also wanted to highlight for you the free access to Microsoft 365 programmes that is available to all of our children outside of school through their Glow logins. Each of our children has their own Glow login which they can use both inside and out of school, enabling free access to all of the Microsoft 365 suite.
Welcome back to our Summer Term
I hope that you all had a restful and enjoyable Spring Break. We welcome all of our children and families back to our final term of the school year, which is always a ‘fast’ and especially full one. I look forward to the weeks ahead.
Yours faithfully,
Rob Lawson
Head Teacher
Welcome back to 2017!
On behalf of all of the staff at Giffnock, a very Happy New Year to all of our school community. We hope that you had a restful and especially enjoyable holiday period and we look forward to the exciting year ahead.