Please have a look at the flier below – we hope that you can get involved!
Author: Mr Lawson
librarians launch first minister’s reading challenge
Our Librarians did a great job at assembly today launching The First Minister’s Reading Challenge for our school. They even led a quiz; see what type of a reader you are!
First Minister’s Reading Challenge 2018 Librarians’s presentation
Dyslexia Buddies presentation
Our Dyslexia Buddies did a great job today sharing information about dyslexia with our P4-7 classes this morning. We hope you find it interesting too:
Children in Need
Our Pupil Council have been working hard to prepare information to help raise awareness of Children in Need. they are sharing this with all of our classes in the coming days and have also prepared these documents below for your information:
Giffnock Goes Spotty Parent Information 2018
Family-Friendly School Improvement Plan
During August, our Primary 7 children were set the challenge to create a way of sharing our key school priorities this session in a way that all of our children and families could understand. After working in groups to create a range of formats, including iMovies, Scratch animation and puppet shows, the children have put together this Sway for our school community. They presented it at a whole school assembly last Friday and we hope you find it useful:
PE Days
Some of our classes’ PE days have been changed (effective from Monday 29th October) so we have updated our parental leaflet on the school website for your information:
PE Days and Health & Wellbeing Information
Parental Calendar of Events
Our parent calendar has again been updated, including Nativity dates for our Nursery Class and our P1-3 Nativity. More information about party dates will also be added soon. Further information about tickets and organisation for these events will follow in due course.
Parent Calendar of Events 2018-19
Dyslexia Parental Sessions
The links below provide information on upcoming events of interest:
Community Cafe and Pumpkin Pandemonium!
Our hugely popular Community Cafe at Giffnock Primary returns on Friday of this week, from 3pm-4pm in our Achievement Hall. With our P6 and P7 pupils taking on the roles of baristas, waiting staff and kids club entertainers, please drop in to enjoy a lovely cake, a hot drink and tremendous service!
Our Parent Council have organised some Halloween fun alongside the event in our Blue Hall too. We hope to see you all there!
Please click on the links below for more details.
Activities for your child
Please see below for a range of useful information about activities:
Activities Resources and Info list for Parent Carers Sep 2018
Talking Homework and Literacy & Numeracy Home Materials
The link below provides a letter explaining both ‘Talking Homework’ and also a range of materials that we have produced to support your child’s learning at home. As well as being available electronically through the links in the attached letter, these materials will also be sent home in a family pack today; we hope that you find them informative and useful.
Free books – tokens to collect!
Giffnock Primary School have registered with the Scottish Sun for Free Books for Schools. If we collect enough tokens from the Scottish Sun and Scottish Sun on Sunday we will be eligible for as many as 105 books from Collins Big Cat. Please help our library grow, if you can!
All tokens should be handed in at our school office.
Love from the P5 Librarians.
Parental Information Session 23 10 18: Oral Health
We hope that the following session will also be useful for a range of our families:
Parental Session: Speech & Language Therapy
Our next parental information and support session is on the 1st November and will focus on speech & language communication needs and therapy. The session will be informal and is open to all parents/ carers who feel it would be useful. Details are below:
Ski Opportunity
Please see the information here for further details:
Show Racism the Red Card
We will again be supporting this initiative next week, culminating in our Wear something Red Day on Friday 5th October. Thank you in advance for your support:
Mental Health and Wellbeing
The following leaflet provides useful information for families supporting mental health and wellbeing:
Dress-Up Days and Learning Themes
For your information, as part of our children’s learning throughout this school year we will be supporting a number of themes. Some of these will give the option of wearing an alternative to school uniform that day and a few of these days are upcoming:
- Friday 5th October – wear red clothing to support the ‘Show a Red Card to Racism’ initiative (optional donations will be collected for the charity)
- Thursday 11th October – wear purple clothing to support the ‘Plaster it Purple’ initiative being run by the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity (optional donations, including at our church service, will be donated to the charity). A representative from the charity will be attending a whole school assembly on the 28th September to explain the work of the charity which has directly supported some of our children and families
- Friday 26th October – crazy hair day, donations to support our Halloween themed Parent Council fundraising activities that afternoon, in conjunction with our first Community Café
These and other events are highlighted in the parent calendar available as usual on our school website and through the following link:
Seasons for Growth Parent Workshop
Thanks to all our parents who came to the Seasons for Growth parental workshop yesterday. The presentation is available here:
Parental Engagement Calendar
Our updated Parental Engagement Calendar is now available on our website and we will continue to update this throughout the year. We welcome your ideas on even better ways to learn together.
Parental Engagement Calendar and Overview