DSCN0315Giffnock Primary School is through to the final of the Show Racism the Red Card Creative Competition 2016 with posters reflecting the idea that Scotland is a diverse country.

Lucy and Dougal are shown here with Miss Reid who helped organise the competition in school. Their entries have gone forward to the final and will be displayed at Hampden Park in May.

The competition was based on a series of seven short films entitled ‘This Is My Home’, exploring the issues of immigration and racism from the point of view of Scotland’s migrant community. Pupils developed their understanding that Scotland is a diverse country with a range of people from different religions from around the world. Children were able to discuss values such as fairness and equality and designed excellent posters showing a variety of nationalities and religions. This related to the health and wellbeing and religious and moral education curriculum as children learned to build positive relationships and respect the views of others.

You can view the films here:
