Please find attached a letter with information on how to join Parentsportal – this will be a key source of information on your child in the future.

Parentsportal Letter Giffnock

Please note for the purposes of linking your child, you must use their current year group 2019-20  if you sign up before the end of term (26th June) and we will endeavour to authorise the link before the end of term.  If you are unable to sign up before the end of term our “turnaround” process for pupils moving year groups takes place during the summer and from 6th July you may have to use your child’s year group for session 2020-21.  It may therefore be advisable to wait until after 17th July 2020 when the turnaround process will definitely have been completed.  Also, if you are not sure if the school has a record of your child’s middle name, please omit it when you are attempting to link your child to your account.

As Primary 7 pupils become leaver as at 26th July we would ask any parent/carer with a Primary 7 child NOT to link them to Parentsportal at this time.  You will be able to link your younger children but you should wait for the High School to issue further instructions for your Primary 7 child when they join in August 2020.