Dear Parent/ Carer,
Usually around this time of year we would be organising pupil visits for High School Transition Days which typically happen in June. This year, due to our uncertain position and inability to access school premises as usual, these need to be organised differently. Over the last six weeks,  I have already been in contact with local High Schools and we are in the midst of sharing transition information with colleagues at Woodfarm and elsewhere, and are agreeing what other transition arrangements may look like. There have been some discussions around use of, for example, video clips and/or short individual visits at a later date.
We are also aware that for some children they may not be going to our local cluster High School. Once this picture is confirmed by the authority with all of our families in the next few weeks, we will contact them directly with additional information when it becomes available to us.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns so I can try to help. As always, our Senior Leadership Team are available to contact via school mail at
Kind regards,
Kirsty Rawley
Depute Headteacher
Giffnock Primary School