Dear Parent & Carer 


Back in Term 1 the P6 & P7 children were asked to consider what kind of activities they would like to experience as part of school fundraisers. You will be aware that the children in P6 & P7 children enjoyed a movie night last term from which the feedback was really positive. One of the other suggestions that was really popular was for the children to take part in a Panic Room event.  We would love to offer this for the kids and the proposed date which has been agreed is Thursday 26th March that evening in the school.


So what on earth is a panic room…. ? 


The children would be divided into smaller groups and would face a series of challenges in order to work out a code that “unlocks” them from the panic room. The challenges could be mathematical, logical, physical etc and they will need to work together as a team to solve them. 


If you think that this is something that your child would enjoy we would love for you get involved.  As you can imagine, events like these take quite a bit of planning and we already have quite a full calendar and a small fundraising committee. Basically, we need your help!  If we can get a small team of P6/7 parents together to help plan and design the event as well as volunteers to help on the night then  we would be able to go ahead with this great idea! 


Please do get in touch by email or text 07855 953906 to offer your help. 


Thanks in advance for your support. 


Kind regards, 


The Parent Council