Dear Parent / Carer
All parents and carers are invited to come to the next meeting of the Parent Council this Thursday, 14th November at 7pm at school. We would be delighted to see new faces!
The Parent Council supports an environment where all parents & carers know that their views matter, where they feel confident and comfortable in putting them forward. It also:
- provides a voice for parents/ carers on issues that are important to them and their children
- supports the school in developing strong home/school partnerships
- helps the school:
- effectively involve parents/carers in their children’s learning and the life of the school
- understands the unique and varied skills, abilities, interests, knowledge and expertise that parents/ carers can offer.
All meetings are open to all parents/ carers and there is no obligation to come to every meeting, just when you can or there is something on the agenda that you want to hear more about or want to contribute or ask a question. The school is more successful when we all work together!
Parent Council Meeting – Thursday 14th November 7pm at school
- Welcome to everyone and thanks for coming
- School Report – School leadership team member
- Parental Engagement – what next after the signup sheets at the PC stand at parents night?
- Finance – current balance
- expenses needed by the school for activities to the end of the school yearFundraising
- events to date (disco, movie night, pumpkin pandemonium); feedback & funds raised
- events in next 3 months (Christmas Fair, ceilidh, Giffnock Family Forum Business Networking Event)
- other forms of fundraising (Grant’s, sponsorship, PayPal Money Pools, Label Planet etc).
- Storage – replacement for loss of hall cupboards
- Volunteers, nomination & welcome of new Secretary
- Proposed change of name of Parent Council to Giffnock Family Forum & Fundraising.
- Any other business.