Class photographs were taken on Tuesday 5th November 2019 – your child will now have brought home a photograph order envelope (details of payment etc. are given on the proof order form).
As Tempest will be dealing directly with payment for the photographs, please ensure that you include your cheque (made payable to Tempest Photography) or fill in credit/debit card details and return the order envelope by Thursday 21st November 2019 at the very latest. Tempest Photography do not accept liability for any cash orders – if paying cash please ensure exact money is enclosed as no change will be given by Tempest.
Please note that if you wish to place an order after 21st November you will have to personally send a late order directly to H Tempest Ltd (address on proof envelope) and you should include an extra £5.00 for this service to cover postage to your home. We will be unable to accept late orders at the school office.
Please ensure that your child’s name, class and order value are clearly marked on the proof envelope before returning it to the class teacher.