Giffnock Primary School
Instrumental Music Provision
Dear Parent/Carer,
We would like to share the opportunities our children have to learn an instrument at Giffnock Primary and within East Renfrewshire Council.
If your child is currently in Primary 3 or Primary 5, you will have received a letter about the instrumental tuition available at Giffnock Primary.
Primary 3 – violin or viola starting August 2019 when your child starts Primary 4.
Primary 5 – brass, woodwind or guitar starting August 2019 when your child starts Primary 6.
Within the next few weeks, our instrumental instructors will visit the classes to tell the children about the instruments available to them.
If your child is interested, please return the letter by Friday 22nd March 2019.
After the Spring holidays, the various instrumental instructors will collate the returns and they will meet with the interested children for a short assessment.
The number of children being offered lessons in school is determined by the music service and not the school.
Priority is given to the above classes, however if the uptake is low there may be an opportunity to open it up to other classes. Again, this is at the discretion of the music service.
An alternative to lessons in school is the wonderful Saturday music school held at Williamwood Secondary School. They are currently advertising the Come and Try sessions in April for Primary 4 and Primary 6 pupils.
All details of application forms, Come and Try dates and the Parental Information Leaflet, detailing cost can be found on our school website through the following link:
We hope this information is helpful for those interested in learning a musical instrument.
Yours sincerely,
Judy Brown
Principal Teacher