All children should wear suitable clothing on sports day i.e. tracksuit over T-shirt and shorts, trainers/gym shoes, a waterproof jacket and bring a polythene bag to sit on.

NO HOME LUNCHES IF POSSIBLE.  There will be an early lunch for children from 11.45am until 12.35pm.  As the children will be leaving school for the park at 12.55pm it would be helpful if all children could have lunch in school on Sports Day.

At the park – the children must stay in their running order and under a teacher’s supervision at all times. No children are allowed to wander away with or without parents.

At the end of the races and after the presentation of the House Sports Championship Shield, if parents wish to collect their child at that time they must inform their child’s class teacher that they are taking their child away so that we know at all times where our children are and who they are with.

Children not collected at the park will be brought back to school as near to 3.00pm as possible and can be collected from there.