We would advise you that we do not usually send texts to parents/carers unless we need to convey urgent information.
As you are aware we issued the text below on Monday 21st May.
“New Data Protection law means we need to check your wishes for your child taking home confidential information. If you are happy to continue reply 1 if you are not happy reply 2. Please only use numerical 1 or 2 in your reply, no other characters. Thank you”
Thank you to those of you who have already replied – and please do not reply again as your response has already been noted and the information entered into our reporting system.
To those of you who did not have the opportunity to reply, could we please ask that you do so as soon as possible. You had already completed paperwork before GDPR to consent to your child bringing home confidential information but if we do not receive your response it will mean that we are now unable to send home items such as end of year reports and the annual data information which we issue in August.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.