Dear Parent / Carer

We previously shared information and the date for this event which we very much hope that you will be able to attend. Following our November 2017 Parental Survey, we have tailored some of the sessions to meet areas of interest that you highlighted and so we hope that you will find the information very useful.

There will be seven sessions available to you, with the opportunity for each parent/carer to attend one of these sessions at each of the three separate timescales (17:30 Session / 17:50 Session / 18:10 Session)

Homework – Maths


Using a Growth Mindset

Curriculum and Learning Pathways


Technologies and Digital Learning

Talking & Listening

Each session will run for 15 minutes and will focus upon sharing information about how your children learn, and about how you can support that learning.

To organise the evening, we are using the same electronic booking system as we have done for our Parents’ Evenings. Please visit to book your session. As you are already aware only the main carer can log onto the system but they will be able to book a maximum of 2 sessions per timescale if both parents/carers would like to attend the same or different sessions. Please login with the following information:

Student’s First Name

Student’s Surname

Date of Birth

If you require assistance with booking your sessions please contact the school office. I look forward to seeing you at this event.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Lawson Head Teacher