A reminder that we are opening our first ‘Community Café’ at Giffnock Primary School on Friday May 11th 3-4pm, run by pupils from P6 and P7. The event will be an informal opportunity to share ideas, learning and company with other families at the school, with pupils taking on a variety of leadership roles. We hope that a range of children and adults will be able to spend a little time together at the end of the school day. There will be no need to ‘sign up’ for these events but rather just come in for as long as suits you. In time, we hope that these Community Café events will become an important part of our school community.
In preparation for this event in sharing optional refreshments that will be available (at very reasonable costs!), and in the spirit of being environmentally friendly, we are looking for donations of any unwanted cups/ mugs and plates that you might have which are taking up space at home. If you can help the school with this, please give whatever you are able to donate to your child to bring into school. Any items will then be collected in by your child’s Class Teacher. Thank you in advance for your generosity.